@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+package mux
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "strings"
+ "git.mgmcomp.net/thisnthat/discordgo"
+// RouteOptions holds information about a specific message route handler
+type RouteOptions struct {
+ Name string // match name that should trigger this route handler
+ Description string // short description of this route
+ Usage string // How to use the route
+ Category string // The category to put the route under
+ Type RouteType // The type of route this is
+ Callback Handler // route handler function to call
+ Hidden bool // The route is hidden from the help menu'
+ Admin bool // The route is only visible to admins
+type route struct {
+ Name string
+ Description string
+ Usage string
+ CategoryID int
+ Type RouteType
+ Run Handler
+ Hidden bool
+ Admin bool
+type category struct {
+ Name string
+ Description string
+ ID int
+// RouteType is the type of route being created
+type RouteType int
+const (
+ // MessageRoute is a route for handling OnMessageCreate events
+ MessageRoute RouteType = 1001
+// Handler is the function signature required for a message route handler.
+type Handler func(*discordgo.Session, *discordgo.Message, *Context)
+type IsAdminRouteHandler func(*discordgo.Session, *discordgo.Message, *Context) bool
+// Context holds a bit of extra data we pass along to route handlers
+// This way processing some of this only needs to happen once.
+type Context struct {
+ Fields []string
+ Args []string
+ Content string
+ Method Method
+// Method is the method a command was received
+type Method int
+const (
+ // DirectMethod Discord DM to the bot
+ DirectMethod Method = 1001
+ // MentionMethod is a message started with a @mention to the bot
+ MentionMethod Method = 1002
+ // PrefixMethod is a message started with a command prefix
+ PrefixMethod Method = 1003
+// Router is the main struct for all mux methods.
+type Router struct {
+ routes []*route
+ helpRoute *route
+ prefix string
+ categories []*category
+ isAdminRoute IsAdminRouteHandler // the admin check handler func to call
+ forcePrefixMethod bool
+// New returns a new Discord message route mux
+func New() *Router {
+ r := &Router{}
+ r.isAdminRoute = isAdminRouteDefault
+ helpRoute := &route{}
+ helpRoute.Name = "help"
+ helpRoute.Usage = "help"
+ helpRoute.Description = "Get Help"
+ helpRoute.Run = r.helpCommandHandler
+ r.helpRoute = helpRoute
+ return r
+// SetCommandPrefix will set the prefix used for message commands
+func (r *Router) SetCommandPrefix(cmdPrefix string) {
+ r.prefix = cmdPrefix + " "
+func (r *Router) SetAdminRouteCallback(callback IsAdminRouteHandler) {
+ r.isAdminRoute = callback
+func (r *Router) ForcePrefixMethod(force bool) {
+ r.forcePrefixMethod = force
+// ErrRegisterRouteNameRequired is returned when registering a new route without a name
+var ErrRegisterRouteNameRequired = errors.New("all routes must have a name")
+// ErrRegisterInvalidRouteType is returned when registering a new route with an invalid type
+var ErrRegisterInvalidRouteType = errors.New("invalid route type")
+// ErrRegisterCallbackRequired is returned when registering a new route without a callback
+var ErrRegisterCallbackRequired = errors.New("a valid callback must be provided")
+// Register allows you to register a route
+//func (r *Router) Register(routeType RouteType, name, desc string, callback Handler) (*Route, error) {
+func (r *Router) Register(name string, options RouteOptions) error {
+ if name == "" {
+ return ErrRegisterRouteNameRequired
+ }
+ if !isValidRouteType(options.Type) {
+ return ErrRegisterInvalidRouteType
+ }
+ if options.Callback == nil {
+ return ErrRegisterCallbackRequired
+ }
+ route := route{}
+ route.Type = options.Type
+ route.Name = name
+ route.Description = options.Description
+ route.Usage = options.Usage
+ route.Run = options.Callback
+ route.Hidden = options.Hidden
+ route.Admin = options.Admin
+ if options.Category != "" {
+ for _, category := range r.categories {
+ if category.Name == options.Category {
+ route.CategoryID = category.ID
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ r.routes = append(r.routes, &route)
+ return nil
+// ErrAddCategoryNameRequired is returned when registering a new route without a name
+var ErrAddCategoryNameRequired = errors.New("all categories must have a name")
+// AddCategory allows you to a a router category
+func (r *Router) AddCategory(name, description string) error {
+ if name == "" {
+ return ErrAddCategoryNameRequired
+ }
+ category := category{}
+ category.Name = name
+ category.Description = description
+ category.ID = len(r.categories) + 1
+ r.categories = append(r.categories, &category)
+ return nil
+func isValidRouteType(routeType RouteType) bool {
+ switch routeType {
+ case MessageRoute:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (r *Router) findRoute(searchString string, routeType RouteType) (*route, []string, []string) {
+ fields := strings.Fields(searchString)
+ if len(fields) == 0 {
+ return nil, nil, nil
+ }
+ commandKey := fields[0]
+ for _, route := range r.routes {
+ if route.Type != routeType {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.EqualFold(commandKey, route.Name) {
+ return route, fields[0:], fields[1:]
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, nil, nil
+// Default callback for determining if the caller is an admin
+func isAdminRouteDefault(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.Message, ctx *Context) bool {
+ channelPermissions, err := s.UserChannelPermissions(m.Author.ID, m.ChannelID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return (channelPermissions&discordgo.PermissionAdministrator > 0)