@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import (
- "runtime"
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ type resumePacket struct {
// Open creates a websocket connection to Discord.
-// See: https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#connecting
+// See: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#connecting
func (s *Session) Open() error {
s.log(LogInformational, "called")
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ func (s *Session) Open() error {
header.Add("accept-encoding", "zlib")
s.wsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(s.gateway, header)
if err != nil {
- s.log(LogWarning, "error connecting to gateway %s, %s", s.gateway, err)
+ s.log(LogError, "error connecting to gateway %s, %s", s.gateway, err)
s.gateway = "" // clear cached gateway
s.wsConn = nil // Just to be safe.
return err
@@ -399,9 +398,10 @@ func (s *Session) UpdateStatusComplex(usd UpdateStatusData) (err error) {
type requestGuildMembersData struct {
- GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
- Query string `json:"query"`
- Limit int `json:"limit"`
+ GuildIDs []string `json:"guild_id"`
+ Query string `json:"query"`
+ Limit int `json:"limit"`
+ Presences bool `json:"presences"`
type requestGuildMembersOp struct {
@@ -411,10 +411,39 @@ type requestGuildMembersOp struct {
// RequestGuildMembers requests guild members from the gateway
// The gateway responds with GuildMembersChunk events
-// guildID : The ID of the guild to request members of
-// query : String that username starts with, leave empty to return all members
-// limit : Max number of items to return, or 0 to request all members matched
-func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembers(guildID, query string, limit int) (err error) {
+// guildID : Single Guild ID to request members of
+// query : String that username starts with, leave empty to return all members
+// limit : Max number of items to return, or 0 to request all members matched
+// presences : Whether to request presences of guild members
+func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembers(guildID string, query string, limit int, presences bool) (err error) {
+ data := requestGuildMembersData{
+ GuildIDs: []string{guildID},
+ Query: query,
+ Limit: limit,
+ Presences: presences,
+ }
+ err = s.requestGuildMembers(data)
+ return
+// RequestGuildMembersBatch requests guild members from the gateway
+// The gateway responds with GuildMembersChunk events
+// guildID : Slice of guild IDs to request members of
+// query : String that username starts with, leave empty to return all members
+// limit : Max number of items to return, or 0 to request all members matched
+// presences : Whether to request presences of guild members
+func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembersBatch(guildIDs []string, query string, limit int, presences bool) (err error) {
+ data := requestGuildMembersData{
+ GuildIDs: guildIDs,
+ Query: query,
+ Limit: limit,
+ Presences: presences,
+ }
+ err = s.requestGuildMembers(data)
+ return
+func (s *Session) requestGuildMembers(data requestGuildMembersData) (err error) {
s.log(LogInformational, "called")
@@ -423,12 +452,6 @@ func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembers(guildID, query string, limit int) (err err
return ErrWSNotFound
- data := requestGuildMembersData{
- GuildID: guildID,
- Query: query,
- Limit: limit,
- }
err = s.wsConn.WriteJSON(requestGuildMembersOp{8, data})
@@ -722,55 +745,42 @@ func (s *Session) onVoiceServerUpdate(st *VoiceServerUpdate) {
-type identifyProperties struct {
- OS string `json:"$os"`
- Browser string `json:"$browser"`
- Device string `json:"$device"`
- Referer string `json:"$referer"`
- ReferringDomain string `json:"$referring_domain"`
-type identifyData struct {
- Token string `json:"token"`
- Properties identifyProperties `json:"properties"`
- LargeThreshold int `json:"large_threshold"`
- Compress bool `json:"compress"`
- Shard *[2]int `json:"shard,omitempty"`
type identifyOp struct {
- Op int `json:"op"`
- Data identifyData `json:"d"`
+ Op int `json:"op"`
+ Data Identify `json:"d"`
// identify sends the identify packet to the gateway
func (s *Session) identify() error {
+ s.log(LogDebug, "called")
- properties := identifyProperties{runtime.GOOS,
- "Discordgo v" + VERSION,
- "",
- "",
- "",
+ // TODO: This is a temporary block of code to help
+ // maintain backwards compatability
+ if s.Compress == false {
+ s.Identify.Compress = false
- data := identifyData{s.Token,
- properties,
- 250,
- s.Compress,
- nil,
+ // TODO: This is a temporary block of code to help
+ // maintain backwards compatability
+ if s.Token != "" && s.Identify.Token == "" {
+ s.Identify.Token = s.Token
+ // TODO: Below block should be refactored so ShardID and ShardCount
+ // can be deprecated and their usage moved to the Session.Identify
+ // struct
if s.ShardCount > 1 {
if s.ShardID >= s.ShardCount {
return ErrWSShardBounds
- data.Shard = &[2]int{s.ShardID, s.ShardCount}
+ s.Identify.Shard = &[2]int{s.ShardID, s.ShardCount}
- op := identifyOp{2, data}
+ // Send Identify packet to Discord
+ op := identifyOp{2, s.Identify}
+ s.log(LogDebug, "Identify Packet: \n%#v", op)
err := s.wsConn.WriteJSON(op)
@@ -838,6 +848,13 @@ func (s *Session) Close() error {
// Close closes a websocket and stops all listening/heartbeat goroutines.
+// TODO: Add support for Voice WS/UDP
+func (s *Session) Close() error {
+ return s.CloseWithCode(websocket.CloseNormalClosure)
+// CloseWithCode closes a websocket using the provided closeCode and stops all
+// listening/heartbeat goroutines.
// TODO: Add support for Voice WS/UDP connections
func (s *Session) CloseWithCode(closeCode int) (err error) {