@@ -24,34 +24,32 @@ import (
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Code related to both Voice Websocket and UDP connections.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Voice struct holds all data and functions related to Discord Voice support.
-// NOTE: This is not used right at this moment, but it will be used soon.
type voice struct {
- Ready bool
- WS *voiceWS
- UDP *voiceUDP
- SessionID string
- Token string
- Endpoint string
- GuildID string
- ChannelID string
- OP2 *voiceOP2
-type voiceWS struct {
- Ready bool
- Chan chan struct{}
- Lock sync.Mutex
- Conn *websocket.Conn
+ sync.Mutex
+ Ready bool
+ Debug bool
+ Chan chan struct{}
+ UDPConn *net.UDPConn // exported for dgvoice, may change.
+ wsConn *websocket.Conn
+ sessionID string
+ token string
+ endpoint string
+ guildID string
+ channelID string
+ userID string
+ OP2 *voiceOP2 // exported for dgvoice, may change.
-type voiceUDP struct {
- Ready bool
- Chan chan struct{}
- Lock sync.Mutex
- Conn *net.UDPConn
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Code related to the Voice websocket connection
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A voiceOP2 stores the data for voice operation 2 websocket events
// which is sort of like the voice READY packet
@@ -74,93 +72,106 @@ type voiceHandshakeOp struct {
Data voiceHandshakeData `json:"d"`
-// VoiceOpenWS opens a voice websocket connection. This should be called
+// Open opens a voice connection. This should be called
// after VoiceChannelJoin is used and the data VOICE websocket events
// are captured.
-func (s *Session) VoiceOpenWS() {
+func (v *voice) Open() (err error) {
- // Don't open a socket if one is already open
- if s.VwsConn != nil {
+ // TODO: How do we handle changing channels?
+ // Don't open a websocket if one is already open
+ if v.wsConn != nil {
- var self User
- var err error
- self, err = s.User("@me") // TODO: Move to @ login and store in session
// Connect to Voice Websocket
- vg := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.VEndpoint, ":80"))
- s.VwsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(vg, nil)
+ vg := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%s", strings.TrimSuffix(v.endpoint, ":80"))
+ v.wsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(vg, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("VOICE cannot open websocket:", err)
+ return
- json := voiceHandshakeOp{0, voiceHandshakeData{s.VGuildID, self.ID, s.VSessionID, s.VToken}}
+ data := voiceHandshakeOp{0, voiceHandshakeData{v.guildID, v.userID, v.sessionID, v.token}}
- err = s.VwsConn.WriteJSON(json)
+ err = v.wsConn.WriteJSON(data)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("VOICE ERROR sending init packet:", err)
+ return
// Start a listening for voice websocket events
- go s.VoiceListen()
+ // TODO add a check here to make sure Listen worked by monitoring
+ // a chan or bool?
+ // go vws.Listen()
+ go v.wsListen()
+ return
-// Close closes the connection to the voice websocket.
-func (s *Session) VoiceCloseWS() {
- s.VwsConn.Close()
+// Close closes the voice connection
+func (v *voice) Close() {
+ if v.UDPConn != nil {
+ v.UDPConn.Close()
+ }
+ if v.wsConn != nil {
+ v.wsConn.Close()
+ }
-// VoiceListen listens on the voice websocket for messages and passes them
-// to the voice event handler.
-func (s *Session) VoiceListen() (err error) {
+// wsListen listens on the voice websocket for messages and passes them
+// to the voice event handler. This is automaticly called by the WS.Open
+// func when needed.
+func (v *voice) wsListen() {
for {
- messageType, message, err := s.VwsConn.ReadMessage()
+ messageType, message, err := v.wsConn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
+ // TODO: Handle this problem better.
+ // TODO: needs proper logging
fmt.Println("Voice Listen Error:", err)
// Pass received message to voice event handler
- go s.VoiceEvent(messageType, message)
+ go v.wsEvent(messageType, message)
-// VoiceEvent handles any messages received on the voice websocket
-func (s *Session) VoiceEvent(messageType int, message []byte) (err error) {
+// wsEvent handles any voice websocket events. This is only called by the
+// wsListen() function.
+func (v *voice) wsEvent(messageType int, message []byte) {
- if s.Debug {
- fmt.Println("VOICE EVENT:", messageType)
+ if v.Debug {
+ fmt.Println("wsEvent received: ", messageType)
var e Event
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &e); err != nil {
- return err
+ fmt.Println("wsEvent Unmarshall error: ", err)
+ return
switch e.Operation {
- case 2: // READY packet
- var st voiceOP2
- if err := json.Unmarshal(e.RawData, &st); err != nil {
- fmt.Println(e.Type, err)
- printJSON(e.RawData) // TODO: Better error logginEventg
- return err
+ case 2: // READY
+ v.OP2 = &voiceOP2{}
+ if err := json.Unmarshal(e.RawData, v.OP2); err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("voiceWS.onEvent OP2 Unmarshall error: ", err)
+ printJSON(e.RawData) // TODO: Better error logging
+ return
// Start the voice websocket heartbeat to keep the connection alive
- go s.VoiceHeartbeat(st.HeartbeatInterval)
- // Store all event data into the session
- s.Vop2 = st
+ go v.wsHeartbeat(v.OP2.HeartbeatInterval)
+ // TODO monitor a chan/bool to verify this was successful
// We now have enough data to start the UDP connection
- s.VoiceOpenUDP()
+ v.udpOpen()
case 3: // HEARTBEAT response
@@ -176,6 +187,62 @@ func (s *Session) VoiceEvent(messageType int, message []byte) (err error) {
+type voiceHeartbeatOp struct {
+ Op int `json:"op"` // Always 3
+ Data int `json:"d"`
+// wsHeartbeat sends regular heartbeats to voice Discord so it knows the client
+// is still connected. If you do not send these heartbeats Discord will
+// disconnect the websocket connection after a few seconds.
+func (v *voice) wsHeartbeat(i time.Duration) {
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(i * time.Millisecond)
+ for {
+ err := v.wsConn.WriteJSON(voiceHeartbeatOp{3, int(time.Now().Unix())})
+ if err != nil {
+ v.Ready = false
+ fmt.Println("wsHeartbeat send error: ", err)
+ return // TODO better logging
+ }
+ <-ticker.C
+ }
+type voiceSpeakingData struct {
+ Speaking bool `json:"speaking"`
+ Delay int `json:"delay"`
+type voiceSpeakingOp struct {
+ Op int `json:"op"` // Always 5
+ Data voiceSpeakingData `json:"d"`
+// Speaking sends a speaking notification to Discord over the voice websocket.
+// This must be sent as true prior to sending audio and should be set to false
+// once finished sending audio.
+// b : Send true if speaking, false if not.
+func (v *voice) Speaking(b bool) (err error) {
+ if v.wsConn == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("No Voice websocket.")
+ }
+ data := voiceSpeakingOp{5, voiceSpeakingData{b, 0}}
+ err = v.wsConn.WriteJSON(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("Speaking() write json error:", err)
+ return
+ }
+ return
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Code related to the Voice UDP connection
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type voiceUDPData struct {
Address string `json:"address"` // Public IP of machine running this code
Port uint16 `json:"port"` // UDP Port of machine running this code
@@ -192,34 +259,39 @@ type voiceUDPOp struct {
Data voiceUDPD `json:"d"`
-// VoiceOpenUDP opens a UDP connect to the voice server and completes the
+// udpOpen opens a UDP connect to the voice server and completes the
// initial required handshake. This connect is left open in the session
-// and can be used to send or receive audio.
-func (s *Session) VoiceOpenUDP() {
+// and can be used to send or receive audio. This should only be called
+// from voice.wsEvent OP2
+func (v *voice) udpOpen() (err error) {
- udpHost := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", strings.TrimSuffix(s.VEndpoint, ":80"), s.Vop2.Port)
- serverAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", udpHost)
+ host := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", strings.TrimSuffix(v.endpoint, ":80"), v.OP2.Port)
+ addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", host)
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
+ fmt.Println("udpOpen() resolve addr error: ", err)
+ // TODO better logging
+ return
- s.UDPConn, err = net.DialUDP("udp", nil, serverAddr)
+ v.UDPConn, err = net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr)
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
+ fmt.Println("udpOpen() dial udp error: ", err)
+ // TODO better logging
+ return
// Create a 70 byte array and put the SSRC code from the Op 2 Voice event
// into it. Then send that over the UDP connection to Discord
sb := make([]byte, 70)
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sb, s.Vop2.SSRC)
- s.UDPConn.Write(sb)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sb, v.OP2.SSRC)
+ v.UDPConn.Write(sb)
// Create a 70 byte array and listen for the initial handshake response
// from Discord. Once we get it parse the IP and PORT information out
// of the response. This should be our public IP and PORT as Discord
// saw us.
rb := make([]byte, 70)
- rlen, _, err := s.UDPConn.ReadFromUDP(rb)
+ rlen, _, err := v.UDPConn.ReadFromUDP(rb)
if rlen < 70 {
fmt.Println("Voice RLEN should be 70 but isn't")
@@ -239,126 +311,14 @@ func (s *Session) VoiceOpenUDP() {
// Take the parsed data from above and send it back to Discord
// to finalize the UDP handshake.
- jsondata := voiceUDPOp{1, voiceUDPD{"udp", voiceUDPData{ip, port, "plain"}}}
+ data := voiceUDPOp{1, voiceUDPD{"udp", voiceUDPData{ip, port, "plain"}}}
- err = s.VwsConn.WriteJSON(jsondata)
+ err = v.wsConn.WriteJSON(data)
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("error:", err)
+ fmt.Println("udpOpen write json error:", err)
- s.UDPReady = true
-// VoiceCloseUDP closes the voice UDP connection.
-func (s *Session) VoiceCloseUDP() {
- s.UDPConn.Close()
-type voiceSpeakingData struct {
- Speaking bool `json:"speaking"`
- Delay int `json:"delay"`
-type voiceSpeakingOp struct {
- Op int `json:"op"` // Always 5
- Data voiceSpeakingData `json:"d"`
-func (s *Session) VoiceSpeaking() {
- if s.VwsConn == nil {
- // TODO return an error
- fmt.Println("No Voice websocket.")
- return
- }
- json := voiceSpeakingOp{5, voiceSpeakingData{true, 0}}
- err := s.VwsConn.WriteJSON(json)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("error:", err)
- return
- }
-// VoiceListenUDP is test code to listen for UDP packets
-func (s *Session) VoiceListenUDP() {
- // start the udp keep alive too. Otherwise listening doesn't get much.
- // go s.VoiceUDPKeepalive(s.Vop2.HeartbeatInterval) // lets try the ws timer
- for {
- b := make([]byte, 1024) //TODO DO NOT PUT MAKE INSIDE LOOP
- rlen, _, err := s.UDPConn.ReadFromUDP(b)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error reading from UDP:", err)
- // return
- }
- if rlen < 1 {
- fmt.Println("Empty UDP packet received")
- continue
- // empty packet?
- }
- fmt.Println("READ FROM UDP: ", b)
- }
-// VoiceUDPKeepalive sends a packet to keep the UDP connection forwarding
-// alive for NATed clients. Without this no audio can be received
-// after short periods of silence.
-// Not sure how often this is supposed to be sent or even what payload
-// I am suppose to be sending. So this is very.. unfinished :)
-func (s *Session) VoiceUDPKeepalive(i time.Duration) {
- //
- // testing with the above 70 byte SSRC packet.
- //
- // Create a 70 byte array and put the SSRC code from the Op 2 Voice event
- // into it. Then send that over the UDP connection to Discord
- ticker := time.NewTicker(i * time.Millisecond)
- for _ = range ticker.C {
- sb := make([]byte, 8)
- sb[0] = 0x80
- sb[1] = 0xc9
- sb[2] = 0x00
- sb[3] = 0x01
- ssrcBE := make([]byte, 4)
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(ssrcBE, s.Vop2.SSRC)
- sb[4] = ssrcBE[0]
- sb[5] = ssrcBE[1]
- sb[6] = ssrcBE[2]
- sb[7] = ssrcBE[3]
- s.UDPConn.Write(ssrcBE)
- }
-type voiceHeartbeatOp struct {
- Op int `json:"op"` // Always 3
- Data int `json:"d"`
-// VoiceHeartbeat sends regular heartbeats to voice Discord so it knows the client
-// is still connected. If you do not send these heartbeats Discord will
-// disconnect the websocket connection after a few seconds.
-func (s *Session) VoiceHeartbeat(i time.Duration) {
- ticker := time.NewTicker(i * time.Millisecond)
- for {
- err := s.VwsConn.WriteJSON(voiceHeartbeatOp{3, int(time.Now().Unix())})
- if err != nil {
- s.VoiceReady = false
- fmt.Println(err)
- return // TODO LOG ERROR
- }
- s.VoiceReady = true
- <-ticker.C
- }
+ v.Ready = true
+ return