@@ -1,86 +1,75 @@
-DiscordGo provides direct low level bindings for [Discord](https://discordapp.com/)
-in the [Go](https://golang.org/) Programming Language (Golang).
+Discordgo [](https://godoc.org/github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo) [](https://gowalker.org/github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo) [](http://goreportcard.com/report/bwmarrin/discordgo) [](https://travis-ci.org/bwmarrin/discordgo)
-* See [dgVoice](https://github.com/bwmarrin/dgvoice) for **experimental** voice support.
-* See [Disgord](https://github.com/bwmarrin/Disgord) for an **experimental** scriptable (RC, Lua, JS) Discord client.
+Discordgo is a [Go](https://golang.org/) package that provides low level
+bindings to the [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) chat client API.
-Join [#go_discordgo](https://discord.gg/0SBTUU1wZTWT6sqd) Discord API channel on Discord for support.
+* See [dgVoice](https://github.com/bwmarrin/dgvoice) for **experimental** voice
+Join [#go_discordgo](https://discord.gg/0SBTUU1wZTWT6sqd) Discord chat channel
+for support.
+## Getting Started
-## Usage Examples
-See the example sub-folder for examples. Each example accepts a username and
-password as a CLI argument when run.
+### Installing
-## Documentation
+Discordgo has been tested to compile on Debian 8 (Go 1.3.3),
+FreeBSD 10 (Go 1.5.1), and Windows 7 (Go 1.5.2).
-**NOTICE** : This library and the Discord API are unfinished.
-Because of that there may be major changes to library functions, constants,
-and structures.
+This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see
+[this page](https://golang.org/doc/install) first.
-- [](https://godoc.org/github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo)
-- [](https://gowalker.org/github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo)
-- Hand crafted documentation coming eventually.
+$ go get github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo
+### Usage
-## What Works
+Import the package into your project.
-Current package provides a **low level direct mapping** to the majority of Discord
-REST and Websock API.
+import "github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo"
-* Login/Logout
-* Open/Close Websocket and listen for events.
-* Accept/Create/Delete Invites
-* Get User details (Name, ID, Settings, etc)
-* List/Create User Channels (Private Message Channels)
-* List/Create Guilds
-* List/Create Guild Channels
-* List Guild Members
-* Receive/Send Messages to Channels
-* Permissions related functions.
-* Editing User Profile settings
+Construct a new Discord client which can be used to access the variety of
+Discord API functions and to set callback functions for Discord events.
-## What's Unfinished
+discord, err := discordgo.New("username, "password")
-* Functions for Maintenance Status
-* Finish Voice support.
-* Add a higher level interface with user friendly helper functions.
+See Documentation and Examples below for more detailed information.
-## Other Discord APIs
+## Documentation
+**NOTICE** : This library and the Discord API are unfinished.
+Because of that there may be major changes to library functions, constants,
+and structures.
+The Discordgo code is fairly well documented at this point and is currently
+the only documentation available. Both GoDoc and GoWalker (below) present
+that information in a nice format.
+- [](https://godoc.org/github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo)
+- [](https://gowalker.org/github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo)
+- [Unofficial Discord API Documentation](https://discordapi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
+- Hand crafted documentation coming eventually.
+## Examples / Projects using Discordgo
+Below is a list of examples and other projects using Discordgo. Please submit
+an issue if you would like your project added or removed from this list
+- [Basic - New](https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo/tree/develop/example/new_basic) A basic example using the easy New() helper function
+- [Basic - API](https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo/tree/develop/example/api_basic) A basic example using the low level API functions.
+- [Bruxism](https://github.com/iopred/bruxism) A chat bot for YouTube and Discord
+- [GoGerard](https://github.com/GoGerard/GoGerard) A modern bot for Discord
+- [Digo](https://github.com/sethdmoore/digo) A pluggable bot for your Discord server
+## List & Comparison of Discord APIs
+See [this chart](https://abal.moe/Discord/Libraries.html) for a feature
+comparison and list of other Discord API libraries.