@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ import (
// A Voice struct holds all data and functions related to Discord Voice support.
type Voice struct {
- sync.Mutex // future use
- Ready bool // If true, voice is ready to send/receive audio
- Debug bool // If true, print extra logging
- OP2 *voiceOP2 // exported for dgvoice, may change.
- OpusSend chan []byte // Chan for sending opus audio
- OpusRecv chan []byte // Chan for receiving opus audio
+ sync.Mutex // future use
+ Ready bool // If true, voice is ready to send/receive audio
+ Debug bool // If true, print extra logging
+ OP2 *voiceOP2 // exported for dgvoice, may change.
+ OpusSend chan []byte // Chan for sending opus audio
+ OpusRecv chan *Packet // Chan for receiving opus audio
// FrameRate int // This can be used to set the FrameRate of Opus data
// FrameSize int // This can be used to set the FrameSize of Opus data
@@ -189,6 +189,9 @@ func (v *Voice) wsEvent(messageType int, message []byte) {
v.OpusSend = make(chan []byte, 2)
go v.opusSender(v.OpusSend, 48000, 960)
+ // Start the opusReceiver
+ v.OpusRecv = make(chan *Packet, 2)
+ go v.opusReceiver(v.OpusRecv)
case 3: // HEARTBEAT response
@@ -458,3 +461,53 @@ func (v *Voice) opusSender(opus <-chan []byte, rate, size int) {
+type Packet struct {
+ SSRC uint32
+ Sequence uint16
+ Timestamp uint32
+ Type []byte
+ Opus []byte
+ PCM []int16
+// opusReceiver listens on the UDP socket for incomming packets
+// and sends them across the given channel
+// NOTE :: This function may change names later.
+func (v *Voice) opusReceiver(c chan *Packet) {
+ // TODO: Better checking to prevent this from running more than
+ // one instance at a time.
+ v.Lock()
+ if c == nil {
+ v.Unlock()
+ return
+ }
+ v.Unlock()
+ p := Packet{}
+ recvbuf := make([]byte, 1024)
+ for {
+ rlen, err := v.UDPConn.Read(recvbuf)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("opusReceiver UDP Read error:", err)
+ return
+ }
+ // For now, skip anything except audio.
+ if rlen < 12 || recvbuf[0] != 0x80 {
+ continue
+ }
+ p.Type = recvbuf[0:2]
+ p.Sequence = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(recvbuf[2:4])
+ p.Timestamp = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(recvbuf[4:8])
+ p.SSRC = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(recvbuf[8:12])
+ p.Opus = recvbuf[12:rlen]
+ if c != nil {
+ c <- &p
+ }
+ }