@@ -6,10 +6,20 @@ Everything here so far is likely to change as I learn Golang better and refine t
Initially my goal was to write a chatbot and I started working with https://github.com/Xackery/discord as my API. But that code doesn't work 100% and so I started slowly making changes to it. Anyhow, credit goes to https://github.com/Xackery/discord for getting me started.
Initially my goal was to write a chatbot and I started working with https://github.com/Xackery/discord as my API. But that code doesn't work 100% and so I started slowly making changes to it. Anyhow, credit goes to https://github.com/Xackery/discord for getting me started.
+If you're looking for a functional Discord API for Goland check out https://github.com/gdraynz/go-discord which I recently found. It's much more complete and will likely help me learn how to improve what I have here.
+# Other DiscordApp APIs
+- [go-discord](https://github.com/gdraynz/go-discord)
+- [discord-go](https://github.com/Xackery/discord)
+- [discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py)
+- [discord.js](https://github.com/discord-js/discord.js)
+- [discord.io](https://github.com/izy521/discord.io)
+- [Discord.NET](https://github.com/RogueException/Discord.Net)
+- [DiscordSharp](https://github.com/Luigifan/DiscordSharp)
+- [Discord4J](https://github.com/knobody/Discord4J)
+- [discordrb](https://github.com/meew0/discordrb)