@@ -193,19 +193,47 @@ const (
// A Channel holds all data related to an individual Discord channel.
type Channel struct {
- ID string `json:"id"`
- GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Topic string `json:"topic"`
- Type ChannelType `json:"type"`
- LastMessageID string `json:"last_message_id"`
- NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"`
- Position int `json:"position"`
- Bitrate int `json:"bitrate"`
- Recipients []*User `json:"recipients"`
- Messages []*Message `json:"-"`
+ // The ID of the channel.
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ // The ID of the guild to which the channel belongs, if it is in a guild.
+ // Else, this ID is empty (e.g. DM channels).
+ GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
+ // The name of the channel.
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // The topic of the channel.
+ Topic string `json:"topic"`
+ // The type of the channel.
+ Type ChannelType `json:"type"`
+ // The ID of the last message sent in the channel. This is not
+ // guaranteed to be an ID of a valid message.
+ LastMessageID string `json:"last_message_id"`
+ // Whether the channel is marked as NSFW.
+ NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"`
+ // The position of the channel, used for sorting in client.
+ Position int `json:"position"`
+ // The bitrate of the channel, if it is a voice channel.
+ Bitrate int `json:"bitrate"`
+ // The recipients of the channel. This is only populated in DM channels.
+ Recipients []*User `json:"recipients"`
+ // The messages in the channel. This is only present in state-cached channels,
+ // and State.MaxMessageCount must be non-zero.
+ Messages []*Message `json:"-"`
+ // A list of permission overwrites present for the channel.
PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"`
- ParentID string `json:"parent_id"`
+ // The ID of the parent channel, if the channel is under a category
+ ParentID string `json:"parent_id"`
// A ChannelEdit holds Channel Feild data for a channel edit.
@@ -263,28 +291,89 @@ const (
// A Guild holds all data related to a specific Discord Guild. Guilds are also
// sometimes referred to as Servers in the Discord client.
type Guild struct {
- ID string `json:"id"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Icon string `json:"icon"`
- Region string `json:"region"`
- AfkChannelID string `json:"afk_channel_id"`
- EmbedChannelID string `json:"embed_channel_id"`
- OwnerID string `json:"owner_id"`
- JoinedAt Timestamp `json:"joined_at"`
- Splash string `json:"splash"`
- AfkTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout"`
- MemberCount int `json:"member_count"`
- VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"`
- EmbedEnabled bool `json:"embed_enabled"`
- Large bool `json:"large"` // ??
- DefaultMessageNotifications int `json:"default_message_notifications"`
- Roles []*Role `json:"roles"`
- Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`
- Members []*Member `json:"members"`
- Presences []*Presence `json:"presences"`
- Channels []*Channel `json:"channels"`
- VoiceStates []*VoiceState `json:"voice_states"`
- Unavailable bool `json:"unavailable"`
+ // The ID of the guild.
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ // The name of the guild. (2–100 characters)
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // The hash of the guild's icon. Use Session.GuildIcon
+ // to retrieve the icon itself.
+ Icon string `json:"icon"`
+ // The voice region of the guild.
+ Region string `json:"region"`
+ // The ID of the AFK voice channel.
+ AfkChannelID string `json:"afk_channel_id"`
+ // The ID of the embed channel ID, used for embed widgets.
+ EmbedChannelID string `json:"embed_channel_id"`
+ // The user ID of the owner of the guild.
+ OwnerID string `json:"owner_id"`
+ // The time at which the current user joined the guild.
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ JoinedAt Timestamp `json:"joined_at"`
+ // The hash of the guild's splash.
+ Splash string `json:"splash"`
+ // The timeout, in seconds, before a user is considered AFK in voice.
+ AfkTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout"`
+ // The number of members in the guild.
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ MemberCount int `json:"member_count"`
+ // The verification level required for the guild.
+ VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"`
+ // Whether the guild has embedding enabled.
+ EmbedEnabled bool `json:"embed_enabled"`
+ // Whether the guild is considered large. This is
+ // determined by a member threshold in the identify packet,
+ // and is currently hard-coded at 250 members in the library.
+ Large bool `json:"large"`
+ // The default message notification setting for the guild.
+ // 0 == all messages, 1 == mentions only.
+ DefaultMessageNotifications int `json:"default_message_notifications"`
+ // A list of roles in the guild.
+ Roles []*Role `json:"roles"`
+ // A list of the custom emojis present in the guild.
+ Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`
+ // A list of the members in the guild.
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ Members []*Member `json:"members"`
+ // A list of partial presence objects for members in the guild.
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ Presences []*Presence `json:"presences"`
+ // A list of channels in the guild.
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ Channels []*Channel `json:"channels"`
+ // A list of voice states for the guild.
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ VoiceStates []*VoiceState `json:"voice_states"`
+ // Whether this guild is currently unavailable (most likely due to outage).
+ // This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
+ // update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
+ Unavailable bool `json:"unavailable"`
// A UserGuild holds a brief version of a Guild
@@ -311,14 +400,32 @@ type GuildParams struct {
// A Role stores information about Discord guild member roles.
type Role struct {
- ID string `json:"id"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Managed bool `json:"managed"`
- Mentionable bool `json:"mentionable"`
- Hoist bool `json:"hoist"`
- Color int `json:"color"`
- Position int `json:"position"`
- Permissions int `json:"permissions"`
+ // The ID of the role.
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ // The name of the role.
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // Whether this role is managed by an integration, and
+ // thus cannot be manually added to, or taken from, members.
+ Managed bool `json:"managed"`
+ // Whether this role is mentionable.
+ Mentionable bool `json:"mentionable"`
+ // Whether this role is hoisted (shows up separately in member list).
+ Hoist bool `json:"hoist"`
+ // The hex color of this role.
+ Color int `json:"color"`
+ // The position of this role in the guild's role hierarchy.
+ Position int `json:"position"`
+ // The permissions of the role on the guild (doesn't include channel overrides).
+ // This is a combination of bit masks; the presence of a certain permission can
+ // be checked by performing a bitwise AND between this int and the permission.
+ Permissions int `json:"permissions"`
// Mention returns a string which mentions the role
@@ -418,15 +525,29 @@ type Assets struct {
SmallText string `json:"small_text,omitempty"`
-// A Member stores user information for Guild members.
+// A Member stores user information for Guild members. A guild
+// member represents a certain user's presence in a guild.
type Member struct {
- GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
- JoinedAt string `json:"joined_at"`
- Nick string `json:"nick"`
- Deaf bool `json:"deaf"`
- Mute bool `json:"mute"`
- User *User `json:"user"`
- Roles []string `json:"roles"`
+ // The guild ID on which the member exists.
+ GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
+ // The time at which the member joined the guild, in ISO8601.
+ JoinedAt string `json:"joined_at"`
+ // The nickname of the member, if they have one.
+ Nick string `json:"nick"`
+ // Whether the member is deafened at a guild level.
+ Deaf bool `json:"deaf"`
+ // Whether the member is muted at a guild level.
+ Mute bool `json:"mute"`
+ // The underlying user on which the member is based.
+ User *User `json:"user"`
+ // A list of IDs of the roles which are possessed by the member.
+ Roles []string `json:"roles"`
// A Settings stores data for a specific users Discord client settings.