@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import (
+var GATEWAY_VERSION int = 4
type handshakeProperties struct {
OS string `json:"$os"`
Browser string `json:"$browser"`
@@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ type handshakeProperties struct {
type handshakeData struct {
- Version int `json:"v"`
Token string `json:"token"`
Properties handshakeProperties `json:"properties"`
LargeThreshold int `json:"large_threshold"`
@@ -49,6 +50,9 @@ type handshakeOp struct {
// Open opens a websocket connection to Discord.
func (s *Session) Open() (err error) {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "called")
defer func() {
if err != nil {
@@ -56,7 +60,10 @@ func (s *Session) Open() (err error) {
- s.VoiceConnections = make(map[string]*VoiceConnection)
+ if s.VoiceConnections == nil {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "creating new VoiceConnections map")
+ s.VoiceConnections = make(map[string]*VoiceConnection)
+ }
if s.wsConn != nil {
err = errors.New("Web socket already opened.")
@@ -64,25 +71,42 @@ func (s *Session) Open() (err error) {
// Get the gateway to use for the Websocket connection
- g, err := s.Gateway()
- if err != nil {
- return
+ if s.gateway == "" {
+ s.gateway, err = s.Gateway()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Add the version and encoding to the URL
+ s.gateway = fmt.Sprintf("%s?v=%v&encoding=json", s.gateway, GATEWAY_VERSION)
header := http.Header{}
header.Add("accept-encoding", "zlib")
- // TODO: See if there's a use for the http response.
- // conn, response, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(session.Gateway, nil)
- s.wsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(g, header)
+ s.log(LogInformational, "connecting to gateway %s", s.gateway)
+ s.wsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(s.gateway, header)
if err != nil {
+ s.log(LogWarning, "error connecting to gateway %s, %s", s.gateway, err)
+ s.gateway = "" // clear cached gateway
+ // TODO: should we add a retry block here?
- err = s.wsConn.WriteJSON(handshakeOp{2, handshakeData{3, s.Token, handshakeProperties{runtime.GOOS, "Discordgo v" + VERSION, "", "", ""}, 250, s.Compress}})
+ if s.sessionID != "" && s.sequence > 0 {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "sending resume packet to gateway")
+ }
+ //else {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "sending identify packet to gateway")
+ err = s.wsConn.WriteJSON(handshakeOp{2, handshakeData{s.Token, handshakeProperties{runtime.GOOS, "Discordgo v" + VERSION, "", "", ""}, 250, s.Compress}})
if err != nil {
+ s.log(LogWarning, "error sending gateway identify packet, %s, %s", s.gateway, err)
+ //}
// Create listening outside of listen, as it needs to happen inside the mutex
// lock.
@@ -163,7 +187,10 @@ func (s *Session) listen(wsConn *websocket.Conn, listening <-chan interface{}) {
case <-listening:
- go s.event(messageType, message)
+ // TODO make s.event a variable that points to a function
+ // this way it will be possible for an end-user to write
+ // a completely custom event handler if needed.
+ go s.onEvent(messageType, message)
@@ -189,7 +216,7 @@ func (s *Session) heartbeat(wsConn *websocket.Conn, listening <-chan interface{}
var err error
ticker := time.NewTicker(i * time.Millisecond)
for {
- err = wsConn.WriteJSON(heartbeatOp{1, int(time.Now().Unix())})
+ err = wsConn.WriteJSON(heartbeatOp{1, s.sequence})
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error sending heartbeat:", err)
@@ -241,73 +268,104 @@ func (s *Session) UpdateStatus(idle int, game string) (err error) {
-// Front line handler for all Websocket Events. Determines the
-// event type and passes the message along to the next handler.
+// onEvent is the "event handler" for all messages received on the
+// Discord Gateway API websocket connection.
+// If you use the AddHandler() function to register a handler for a
+// specific event this function will pass the event along to that handler.
+// If you use the AddHandler() function to register a handler for the
+// "OnEvent" event then all events will be passed to that handler.
+// TODO: You may also register a custom event handler entirely using...
+func (s *Session) onEvent(messageType int, message []byte) {
-// event is the front line handler for all events. This needs to be
-// broken up into smaller functions to be more idiomatic Go.
-// Events will be handled by any implemented handler in Session.
-// All unhandled events will then be handled by OnEvent.
-func (s *Session) event(messageType int, message []byte) {
var err error
var reader io.Reader
reader = bytes.NewBuffer(message)
+ // If this is a compressed message, uncompress it.
if messageType == 2 {
- z, err1 := zlib.NewReader(reader)
- if err1 != nil {
- log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Error uncompressing message type %d: %s", messageType, err1))
+ z, err := zlib.NewReader(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ s.log(LogError, "error uncompressing websocket message, %s", err)
defer func() {
err := z.Close()
if err != nil {
- log.Println("error closing zlib:", err)
+ s.log(LogWarning, "error closing zlib, %s", err)
reader = z
+ // Decode the event into an Event struct.
var e *Event
decoder := json.NewDecoder(reader)
if err = decoder.Decode(&e); err != nil {
- log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Error decoding message type %d: %s", messageType, err))
+ s.log(LogError, "error decoding websocket message, %s", err)
if s.Debug {
- printEvent(e)
+ s.log(LogDebug, "Op: %d, Seq: %d, Type: %s, Data: %s", e.Operation, e.Sequence, e.Type, string(e.RawData))
+ }
+ // Ping request.
+ // Must respond with a heartbeat packet within 5 seconds
+ if e.Operation == 1 {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "sending heartbeat in response to Op1")
+ err = s.wsConn.WriteJSON(heartbeatOp{1, s.sequence})
+ if err != nil {
+ s.log(LogError, "error sending heartbeat in response to Op1")
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not try to Dispatch a non-Dispatch Message
+ if e.Operation != 0 {
+ // But we probably should be doing something with them.
+ // TEMP
+ s.log(LogWarning, "unknown Op: %d, Seq: %d, Type: %s, Data: %s, message: %s", e.Operation, e.Sequence, e.Type, string(e.RawData), string(message))
+ return
+ // Store the message sequence
+ s.sequence = e.Sequence
+ // Map event to registered event handlers and pass it along
+ // to any registered functions
i := eventToInterface[e.Type]
if i != nil {
// Create a new instance of the event type.
i = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(i)).Interface()
// Attempt to unmarshal our event.
- // If there is an error we should handle the event itself.
if err = json.Unmarshal(e.RawData, i); err != nil {
- log.Printf("error unmarshalling %s event, %s\n", e.Type, err)
- // Ready events must fire, even if they are empty.
- if e.Type != "READY" {
- i = nil
- }
+ s.log(LogError, "error unmarshalling %s event, %s", e.Type, err)
- } else {
- log.Println("Unknown event.")
- i = nil
- }
- if i != nil {
+ // Send event to any registered event handlers for it's type.
+ // Because the above doesn't cancel this, in case of an error
+ // the struct could be partially populated or at default values.
+ // However, most errors are due to a single field and I feel
+ // it's better to pass along what we received than nothing at all.
+ // TODO: Think about that decision :)
+ // Either way, READY events must fire, even with errors.
+ } else {
+ s.log(LogWarning, "unknown event, %#v", e)
+ // Emit event to the OnEvent handler
e.Struct = i
- return
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -359,13 +417,11 @@ func (s *Session) ChannelVoiceJoin(gID, cID string, mute, deaf bool) (voice *Voi
// Create a new voice session
// TODO review what all these things are for....
voice = &VoiceConnection{
- GuildID: gID,
- ChannelID: cID,
- deaf: deaf,
- mute: mute,
- session: s,
- connected: make(chan bool),
- sessionRecv: make(chan string),
+ GuildID: gID,
+ ChannelID: cID,
+ deaf: deaf,
+ mute: mute,
+ session: s,
// Store voice in VoiceConnections map for this GuildID
@@ -375,6 +431,7 @@ func (s *Session) ChannelVoiceJoin(gID, cID string, mute, deaf bool) (voice *Voi
data := voiceChannelJoinOp{4, voiceChannelJoinData{&gID, &cID, mute, deaf}}
err = s.wsConn.WriteJSON(data)
if err != nil {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "Deleting VoiceConnection %s", gID)
delete(s.VoiceConnections, gID)
@@ -383,6 +440,7 @@ func (s *Session) ChannelVoiceJoin(gID, cID string, mute, deaf bool) (voice *Voi
err = voice.waitUntilConnected()
if err != nil {
+ s.log(LogInformational, "Deleting VoiceConnection %s", gID)
delete(s.VoiceConnections, gID)
@@ -421,9 +479,6 @@ func (s *Session) onVoiceStateUpdate(se *Session, st *VoiceStateUpdate) {
// Store the SessionID for later use.
voice.UserID = self.ID // TODO: Review
voice.sessionID = st.SessionID
- // TODO: Consider this...
- // voice.sessionRecv <- st.SessionID
// onVoiceServerUpdate handles the Voice Server Update data websocket event.
@@ -440,29 +495,18 @@ func (s *Session) onVoiceServerUpdate(se *Session, st *VoiceServerUpdate) {
+ // If currently connected to voice ws/udp, then disconnect.
+ // Has no effect if not connected.
+ voice.Close()
// Store values for later use
voice.token = st.Token
voice.endpoint = st.Endpoint
voice.GuildID = st.GuildID
- // If currently connected to voice ws/udp, then disconnect.
- // Has no effect if not connected.
- // voice.Close()
- // Wait for the sessionID from onVoiceStateUpdate
- // voice.sessionID = <-voice.sessionRecv
- // TODO review above
- // wouldn't this cause a huge problem, if it's just a guild server
- // update.. ?
- // I could add a timeout loop of some sort and also check if the
- // sessionID doesn't or does exist already...
- // something.. a bit smarter.
- // We now have enough information to open a voice websocket conenction
- // so, that's what the next call does.
+ // Open a conenction to the voice server
err := voice.open()
if err != nil {
- log.Println("onVoiceServerUpdate Voice.Open error: ", err)
- // TODO better logging
+ s.log(LogError, "onVoiceServerUpdate voice.open, ", err)