@@ -181,11 +181,24 @@ func (v *VoiceConnection) Close() {
if v.wsConn != nil {
if v.wsConn != nil {
- v.log(LogInformational, "closing wsConn")
- err := v.wsConn.Close()
+ v.log(LogInformational, "sending close frame")
+ // To cleanly close a connection, a client should send a close
+ // frame and wait for the server to close the connection.
+ err := v.wsConn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseNormalClosure, ""))
+ if err != nil {
+ v.log(LogError, "error closing websocket, %s", err)
+ }
+ // TODO: Wait for Discord to actually close the connection.
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ v.log(LogInformational, "closing websocket")
+ err = v.wsConn.Close()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
- log.Println("error closing websocket connection: ", err)
+ v.log(LogError, "error closing websocket, %s", err)
v.wsConn = nil
v.wsConn = nil
@@ -799,42 +812,6 @@ func (v *VoiceConnection) reconnect() {
defer func() { v.reconnecting = false }()
defer func() { v.reconnecting = false }()
- /*
- if v.session == nil {
- v.log(LogInformational, "cannot reconnect with nil session")
- return
- }
- // check that the gateway session is Ready
- // this needs more smarts - but the issue is that well the session
- // could be not ready and in that case the disconnect below will panic
- // one cause for that is if the gw disconnects and starts the reconnect
- // processes right before the voice disconnects.
- // NOTE: this will probably change but it's a safety net for now
- i := 0
- for v.session.DataReady == false || v.session.wsConn == nil {
- if i > 20 {
- v.log(LogInformational, "timeout waiting for ready session, I give up.")
- return
- }
- time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
- i++
- }
- // Send a OP4 with a nil channel to disconnect
- // this may not be required, but is here as a safety for now.
- if v.sessionID != "" {
- data := voiceChannelJoinOp{4, voiceChannelJoinData{&v.GuildID, nil, true, true}}
- v.session.wsMutex.Lock()
- err := v.session.wsConn.WriteJSON(data)
- v.session.wsMutex.Unlock()
- if err != nil {
- v.log(LogError, "error sending disconnect packet, %s", err)
- }
- v.sessionID = ""
- }
- */
// Close any currently open connections
// Close any currently open connections
@@ -867,6 +844,17 @@ func (v *VoiceConnection) reconnect() {
+ // if the quick reconnect above didn't work lets just send a disconnect
+ // packet to reset things.
+ // Send a OP4 with a nil channel to disconnect
+ data := voiceChannelJoinOp{4, voiceChannelJoinData{&v.GuildID, nil, true, true}}
+ v.session.wsMutex.Lock()
+ err = v.session.wsConn.WriteJSON(data)
+ v.session.wsMutex.Unlock()
+ if err != nil {
+ v.log(LogError, "error sending disconnect packet, %s", err)
+ }
v.log(LogInformational, "error reconnecting to channel %s, %s", v.ChannelID, err)
v.log(LogInformational, "error reconnecting to channel %s, %s", v.ChannelID, err)