@@ -1613,38 +1613,44 @@ type Intent int
// Constants for the different bit offsets of intents
const (
- IntentsGuilds Intent = 1 << 0
- IntentsGuildMembers Intent = 1 << 1
- IntentsGuildBans Intent = 1 << 2
- IntentsGuildEmojis Intent = 1 << 3
- IntentsGuildIntegrations Intent = 1 << 4
- IntentsGuildWebhooks Intent = 1 << 5
- IntentsGuildInvites Intent = 1 << 6
- IntentsGuildVoiceStates Intent = 1 << 7
- IntentsGuildPresences Intent = 1 << 8
- IntentsGuildMessages Intent = 1 << 9
- IntentsGuildMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 10
- IntentsGuildMessageTyping Intent = 1 << 11
- IntentsDirectMessages Intent = 1 << 12
- IntentsDirectMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 13
- IntentsDirectMessageTyping Intent = 1 << 14
- IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged = IntentsGuilds |
- IntentsGuildBans |
- IntentsGuildEmojis |
- IntentsGuildIntegrations |
- IntentsGuildWebhooks |
- IntentsGuildInvites |
- IntentsGuildVoiceStates |
- IntentsGuildMessages |
- IntentsGuildMessageReactions |
- IntentsGuildMessageTyping |
- IntentsDirectMessages |
- IntentsDirectMessageReactions |
- IntentsDirectMessageTyping
+ IntentGuilds Intent = 1 << 0
+ IntentGuildMembers Intent = 1 << 1
+ IntentGuildBans Intent = 1 << 2
+ IntentGuildEmojis Intent = 1 << 3
+ IntentGuildIntegrations Intent = 1 << 4
+ IntentGuildWebhooks Intent = 1 << 5
+ IntentGuildInvites Intent = 1 << 6
+ IntentGuildVoiceStates Intent = 1 << 7
+ IntentGuildPresences Intent = 1 << 8
+ IntentGuildMessages Intent = 1 << 9
+ IntentGuildMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 10
+ IntentGuildMessageTyping Intent = 1 << 11
+ IntentDirectMessages Intent = 1 << 12
+ IntentDirectMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 13
+ IntentDirectMessageTyping Intent = 1 << 14
+ IntentMessageContent Intent = 1 << 15
+ IntentGuildScheduledEvents Intent = 1 << 16
+ IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged = IntentGuilds |
+ IntentGuildBans |
+ IntentGuildEmojis |
+ IntentGuildIntegrations |
+ IntentGuildWebhooks |
+ IntentGuildInvites |
+ IntentGuildVoiceStates |
+ IntentGuildMessages |
+ IntentGuildMessageReactions |
+ IntentGuildMessageTyping |
+ IntentDirectMessages |
+ IntentDirectMessageReactions |
+ IntentDirectMessageTyping |
+ IntentGuildScheduledEvents
IntentsAll = IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged |
- IntentsGuildMembers |
- IntentsGuildPresences
+ IntentGuildMembers |
+ IntentGuildPresences |
+ IntentMessageContent
IntentsNone Intent = 0