Kaynağa Gözat

Convert more constants to absolute values

See https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo/commit/843c765ae3eeecaf8e9b808ea8e3da10ba600f91 for reasoning.
Carson Hoffman 3 yıl önce
5 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 90 ekleme ve 103 silme
  1. 11 11
  2. 26 39
  3. 2 2
  4. 49 49
  5. 2 2

+ 11 - 11

@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ type ApplicationCommandOptionType uint8
 // Application command option types.
 const (
-	ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand = ApplicationCommandOptionType(iota + 1)
-	ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup
-	ApplicationCommandOptionString
-	ApplicationCommandOptionInteger
-	ApplicationCommandOptionBoolean
-	ApplicationCommandOptionUser
-	ApplicationCommandOptionChannel
-	ApplicationCommandOptionRole
-	ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable
+	ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand      ApplicationCommandOptionType = 1
+	ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup ApplicationCommandOptionType = 2
+	ApplicationCommandOptionString          ApplicationCommandOptionType = 3
+	ApplicationCommandOptionInteger         ApplicationCommandOptionType = 4
+	ApplicationCommandOptionBoolean         ApplicationCommandOptionType = 5
+	ApplicationCommandOptionUser            ApplicationCommandOptionType = 6
+	ApplicationCommandOptionChannel         ApplicationCommandOptionType = 7
+	ApplicationCommandOptionRole            ApplicationCommandOptionType = 8
+	ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable     ApplicationCommandOptionType = 9
 // ApplicationCommandOption represents an option/subcommand/subcommands group.
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ type InteractionType uint8
 // Interaction types
 const (
-	InteractionPing = InteractionType(iota + 1)
-	InteractionApplicationCommand
+	InteractionPing               InteractionType = 1
+	InteractionApplicationCommand InteractionType = 2
 // Interaction represents an interaction event created via a slash command.

+ 26 - 39

@@ -21,23 +21,23 @@ type MessageType int
 // Block contains the valid known MessageType values
 const (
-	MessageTypeDefault MessageType = iota
-	MessageTypeRecipientAdd
-	MessageTypeRecipientRemove
-	MessageTypeCall
-	MessageTypeChannelNameChange
-	MessageTypeChannelIconChange
-	MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage
-	MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin
-	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscription
-	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierOne
-	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierTwo
-	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierThree
-	MessageTypeChannelFollowAdd
-	MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryDisqualified = iota + 1
-	MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryRequalified
-	MessageTypeReply = iota + 4
-	MessageTypeApplicationCommand
+	MessageTypeDefault                               MessageType = 0
+	MessageTypeRecipientAdd                          MessageType = 1
+	MessageTypeRecipientRemove                       MessageType = 2
+	MessageTypeCall                                  MessageType = 3
+	MessageTypeChannelNameChange                     MessageType = 4
+	MessageTypeChannelIconChange                     MessageType = 5
+	MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage                  MessageType = 6
+	MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin                       MessageType = 7
+	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscription          MessageType = 8
+	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierOne   MessageType = 9
+	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierTwo   MessageType = 10
+	MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierThree MessageType = 11
+	MessageTypeChannelFollowAdd                      MessageType = 12
+	MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryDisqualified            MessageType = 14
+	MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryRequalified             MessageType = 15
+	MessageTypeReply                                 MessageType = 19
+	MessageTypeApplicationCommand                    MessageType = 20
 // A Message stores all data related to a specific Discord message.
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ type MessageFlags int
 // Valid MessageFlags values
 const (
-	MessageFlagsCrossPosted MessageFlags = 1 << iota
-	MessageFlagsIsCrossPosted
-	MessageFlagsSupressEmbeds
-	MessageFlagsSourceMessageDeleted
-	MessageFlagsUrgent
+	MessageFlagsCrossPosted          MessageFlags = 1 << 0
+	MessageFlagsIsCrossPosted        MessageFlags = 1 << 1
+	MessageFlagsSupressEmbeds        MessageFlags = 1 << 2
+	MessageFlagsSourceMessageDeleted MessageFlags = 1 << 3
+	MessageFlagsUrgent               MessageFlags = 1 << 4
 // File stores info about files you e.g. send in messages.
@@ -357,23 +357,10 @@ type MessageActivityType int
 // Constants for the different types of Message Activity
 const (
-	MessageActivityTypeJoin MessageActivityType = iota + 1
-	MessageActivityTypeSpectate
-	MessageActivityTypeListen
-	MessageActivityTypeJoinRequest
-// MessageFlag describes an extra feature of the message
-type MessageFlag int
-// Constants for the different bit offsets of Message Flags
-const (
-	// This message has been published to subscribed channels (via Channel Following)
-	MessageFlagCrossposted MessageFlag = 1 << iota
-	// This message originated from a message in another channel (via Channel Following)
-	MessageFlagIsCrosspost
-	// Do not include any embeds when serializing this message
-	MessageFlagSuppressEmbeds
+	MessageActivityTypeJoin        MessageActivityType = 1
+	MessageActivityTypeSpectate    MessageActivityType = 2
+	MessageActivityTypeListen      MessageActivityType = 3
+	MessageActivityTypeJoinRequest MessageActivityType = 5
 // MessageApplication is sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds

+ 2 - 2

@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ type MembershipState int
 // Constants for the different stages of the MembershipState
 const (
-	MembershipStateInvited MembershipState = iota + 1
-	MembershipStateAccepted
+	MembershipStateInvited  MembershipState = 1
+	MembershipStateAccepted MembershipState = 2
 // A TeamMember struct stores values for a single Team Member, extending the normal User data - note that the user field is partial

+ 49 - 49

@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ type ExpireBehavior int
 // Block of valid ExpireBehaviors
 const (
-	ExpireBehaviorRemoveRole ExpireBehavior = iota
-	ExpireBehaviorKick
+	ExpireBehaviorRemoveRole ExpireBehavior = 0
+	ExpireBehaviorKick       ExpireBehavior = 1
 // IntegrationAccount is integration account information
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ type TargetUserType int
 // Block contains known TargetUserType values
 const (
-	TargetUserTypeStream TargetUserType = iota
+	TargetUserTypeStream TargetUserType = 1
 // ChannelType is the type of a Channel
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ type ChannelType int
 // Block contains known ChannelType values
 const (
-	ChannelTypeGuildText ChannelType = iota
-	ChannelTypeDM
-	ChannelTypeGuildVoice
-	ChannelTypeGroupDM
-	ChannelTypeGuildCategory
-	ChannelTypeGuildNews
-	ChannelTypeGuildStore
+	ChannelTypeGuildText     ChannelType = 0
+	ChannelTypeDM            ChannelType = 1
+	ChannelTypeGuildVoice    ChannelType = 2
+	ChannelTypeGroupDM       ChannelType = 3
+	ChannelTypeGuildCategory ChannelType = 4
+	ChannelTypeGuildNews     ChannelType = 5
+	ChannelTypeGuildStore    ChannelType = 6
 // A Channel holds all data related to an individual Discord channel.
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ type PermissionOverwriteType int
 // The possible permission overwrite types.
 const (
-	PermissionOverwriteTypeRole PermissionOverwriteType = iota
-	PermissionOverwriteTypeMember
+	PermissionOverwriteTypeRole   PermissionOverwriteType = 0
+	PermissionOverwriteTypeMember PermissionOverwriteType = 1
 // A PermissionOverwrite holds permission overwrite data for a Channel
@@ -388,11 +388,11 @@ type VerificationLevel int
 // Constants for VerificationLevel levels from 0 to 4 inclusive
 const (
-	VerificationLevelNone VerificationLevel = iota
-	VerificationLevelLow
-	VerificationLevelMedium
-	VerificationLevelHigh
-	VerificationLevelVeryHigh
+	VerificationLevelNone     VerificationLevel = 0
+	VerificationLevelLow      VerificationLevel = 1
+	VerificationLevelMedium   VerificationLevel = 2
+	VerificationLevelHigh     VerificationLevel = 3
+	VerificationLevelVeryHigh VerificationLevel = 4
 // ExplicitContentFilterLevel type definition
@@ -400,9 +400,9 @@ type ExplicitContentFilterLevel int
 // Constants for ExplicitContentFilterLevel levels from 0 to 2 inclusive
 const (
-	ExplicitContentFilterDisabled ExplicitContentFilterLevel = iota
-	ExplicitContentFilterMembersWithoutRoles
-	ExplicitContentFilterAllMembers
+	ExplicitContentFilterDisabled            ExplicitContentFilterLevel = 0
+	ExplicitContentFilterMembersWithoutRoles ExplicitContentFilterLevel = 1
+	ExplicitContentFilterAllMembers          ExplicitContentFilterLevel = 2
 // MfaLevel type definition
@@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ type MfaLevel int
 // Constants for MfaLevel levels from 0 to 1 inclusive
 const (
-	MfaLevelNone MfaLevel = iota
-	MfaLevelElevated
+	MfaLevelNone     MfaLevel = 0
+	MfaLevelElevated MfaLevel = 1
 // PremiumTier type definition
@@ -419,10 +419,10 @@ type PremiumTier int
 // Constants for PremiumTier levels from 0 to 3 inclusive
 const (
-	PremiumTierNone PremiumTier = iota
-	PremiumTier1
-	PremiumTier2
-	PremiumTier3
+	PremiumTierNone PremiumTier = 0
+	PremiumTier1    PremiumTier = 1
+	PremiumTier2    PremiumTier = 2
+	PremiumTier3    PremiumTier = 3
 // A Guild holds all data related to a specific Discord Guild.  Guilds are also
@@ -618,8 +618,8 @@ type MessageNotifications int
 // Block containing known MessageNotifications values
 const (
-	MessageNotificationsAllMessages MessageNotifications = iota
-	MessageNotificationsOnlyMentions
+	MessageNotificationsAllMessages  MessageNotifications = 0
+	MessageNotificationsOnlyMentions MessageNotifications = 1
 // SystemChannelFlag is the type of flags in the system channel (see SystemChannelFlag* consts)
@@ -628,8 +628,8 @@ type SystemChannelFlag int
 // Block containing known SystemChannelFlag values
 const (
-	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressJoin SystemChannelFlag = 1 << iota
-	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressPremium
+	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressJoin    SystemChannelFlag = 1 << 0
+	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressPremium SystemChannelFlag = 1 << 1
 // IconURL returns a URL to the guild's icon.
@@ -1199,11 +1199,11 @@ type ActivityType int
 // Valid ActivityType values
 const (
-	ActivityTypeGame ActivityType = iota
-	ActivityTypeStreaming
-	ActivityTypeListening
+	ActivityTypeGame      ActivityType = 0
+	ActivityTypeStreaming ActivityType = 1
+	ActivityTypeListening ActivityType = 2
 	//	ActivityTypeWatching // not valid in this use case?
-	ActivityTypeCustom = 4
+	ActivityTypeCustom ActivityType = 4
 // Identify is sent during initial handshake with the discord gateway.
@@ -1372,21 +1372,21 @@ type Intent int
 // Constants for the different bit offsets of intents
 const (
-	IntentsGuilds Intent = 1 << iota
-	IntentsGuildMembers
-	IntentsGuildBans
-	IntentsGuildEmojis
-	IntentsGuildIntegrations
-	IntentsGuildWebhooks
-	IntentsGuildInvites
-	IntentsGuildVoiceStates
-	IntentsGuildPresences
-	IntentsGuildMessages
-	IntentsGuildMessageReactions
-	IntentsGuildMessageTyping
-	IntentsDirectMessages
-	IntentsDirectMessageReactions
-	IntentsDirectMessageTyping
+	IntentsGuilds                 Intent = 1 << 0
+	IntentsGuildMembers           Intent = 1 << 1
+	IntentsGuildBans              Intent = 1 << 2
+	IntentsGuildEmojis            Intent = 1 << 3
+	IntentsGuildIntegrations      Intent = 1 << 4
+	IntentsGuildWebhooks          Intent = 1 << 5
+	IntentsGuildInvites           Intent = 1 << 6
+	IntentsGuildVoiceStates       Intent = 1 << 7
+	IntentsGuildPresences         Intent = 1 << 8
+	IntentsGuildMessages          Intent = 1 << 9
+	IntentsGuildMessageReactions  Intent = 1 << 10
+	IntentsGuildMessageTyping     Intent = 1 << 11
+	IntentsDirectMessages         Intent = 1 << 12
+	IntentsDirectMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 13
+	IntentsDirectMessageTyping    Intent = 1 << 14
 	IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged = IntentsGuilds |
 		IntentsGuildBans |

+ 2 - 2

@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ type WebhookType int
 // Valid WebhookType values
 const (
-	WebhookTypeIncoming WebhookType = iota
-	WebhookTypeChannelFollower
+	WebhookTypeIncoming        WebhookType = 1
+	WebhookTypeChannelFollower WebhookType = 2
 // WebhookParams is a struct for webhook params, used in the WebhookExecute command.