// Discordgo - Discord bindings for Go // Available at https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo // Copyright 2015-2016 Bruce Marriner . All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains code related to Discord voice suppport package discordgo import ( "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "net" "runtime" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/gorilla/websocket" "golang.org/x/crypto/nacl/secretbox" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Code related to both VoiceConnection Websocket and UDP connections. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // A VoiceConnection struct holds all the data and functions related to a Discord Voice Connection. type VoiceConnection struct { sync.RWMutex Debug bool // If true, print extra logging -- DEPRECATED LogLevel int Ready bool // If true, voice is ready to send/receive audio UserID string GuildID string ChannelID string deaf bool mute bool OpusSend chan []byte // Chan for sending opus audio OpusRecv chan *Packet // Chan for receiving opus audio wsConn *websocket.Conn udpConn *net.UDPConn session *Session sessionID string token string endpoint string // Used to send a close signal to goroutines close chan struct{} // Used to allow blocking until connected connected chan bool // Used to pass the sessionid from onVoiceStateUpdate sessionRecv chan string op4 voiceOP4 op2 voiceOP2 voiceSpeakingUpdateHandlers []VoiceSpeakingUpdateHandler } // VoiceSpeakingUpdateHandler type provides a function defination for the // VoiceSpeakingUpdate event type VoiceSpeakingUpdateHandler func(vc *VoiceConnection, vs *VoiceSpeakingUpdate) // Speaking sends a speaking notification to Discord over the voice websocket. // This must be sent as true prior to sending audio and should be set to false // once finished sending audio. // b : Send true if speaking, false if not. func (v *VoiceConnection) Speaking(b bool) (err error) { type voiceSpeakingData struct { Speaking bool `json:"speaking"` Delay int `json:"delay"` } type voiceSpeakingOp struct { Op int `json:"op"` // Always 5 Data voiceSpeakingData `json:"d"` } if v.wsConn == nil { return fmt.Errorf("No VoiceConnection websocket.") } data := voiceSpeakingOp{5, voiceSpeakingData{b, 0}} err = v.wsConn.WriteJSON(data) if err != nil { log.Println("Speaking() write json error:", err) return } return } // ChangeChannel sends Discord a request to change channels within a Guild // !!! NOTE !!! This function may be removed in favour of just using ChannelVoiceJoin func (v *VoiceConnection) ChangeChannel(channelID string, mute, deaf bool) (err error) { data := voiceChannelJoinOp{4, voiceChannelJoinData{&v.GuildID, &channelID, mute, deaf}} err = v.session.wsConn.WriteJSON(data) return } // Disconnect disconnects from this voice channel and closes the websocket // and udp connections to Discord. // !!! NOTE !!! this function may be removed in favour of ChannelVoiceLeave func (v *VoiceConnection) Disconnect() (err error) { // Send a OP4 with a nil channel to disconnect if v.sessionID != "" { data := voiceChannelJoinOp{4, voiceChannelJoinData{&v.GuildID, nil, true, true}} err = v.session.wsConn.WriteJSON(data) v.sessionID = "" } // Close websocket and udp connections v.Close() v.log(LogInformational, "Deleting VoiceConnection %s", v.GuildID) delete(v.session.VoiceConnections, v.GuildID) return } // Close closes the voice ws and udp connections func (v *VoiceConnection) Close() { v.Lock() defer v.Unlock() v.Ready = false if v.close != nil { close(v.close) v.close = nil } if v.udpConn != nil { err := v.udpConn.Close() if err != nil { log.Println("error closing udp connection: ", err) } v.udpConn = nil } if v.wsConn != nil { err := v.wsConn.Close() if err != nil { log.Println("error closing websocket connection: ", err) } v.wsConn = nil } } // AddHandler adds a Handler for VoiceSpeakingUpdate events. func (v *VoiceConnection) AddHandler(h VoiceSpeakingUpdateHandler) { v.Lock() defer v.Unlock() v.voiceSpeakingUpdateHandlers = append(v.voiceSpeakingUpdateHandlers, h) } // VoiceSpeakingUpdate is a struct for a VoiceSpeakingUpdate event. type VoiceSpeakingUpdate struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` SSRC int `json:"ssrc"` Speaking bool `json:"speaking"` } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unexported Internal Functions Below. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // A voiceOP4 stores the data for the voice operation 4 websocket event // which provides us with the NaCl SecretBox encryption key type voiceOP4 struct { SecretKey [32]byte `json:"secret_key"` Mode string `json:"mode"` } // A voiceOP2 stores the data for the voice operation 2 websocket event // which is sort of like the voice READY packet type voiceOP2 struct { SSRC uint32 `json:"ssrc"` Port int `json:"port"` Modes []string `json:"modes"` HeartbeatInterval time.Duration `json:"heartbeat_interval"` } // WaitUntilConnected waits for the Voice Connection to // become ready, if it does not become ready it retuns an err func (v *VoiceConnection) waitUntilConnected() error { i := 0 for { if v.Ready { return nil } if i > 10 { return fmt.Errorf("Timeout waiting for voice.") } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) i++ } } // Open opens a voice connection. This should be called // after VoiceChannelJoin is used and the data VOICE websocket events // are captured. func (v *VoiceConnection) open() (err error) { v.Lock() defer v.Unlock() // Don't open a websocket if one is already open if v.wsConn != nil { return } // TODO temp? loop to wait for the SessionID i := 0 for { if v.sessionID != "" { break } if i > 20 { // only loop for up to 1 second total return fmt.Errorf("Did not receive voice Session ID in time.") } time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) i++ } // Connect to VoiceConnection Websocket vg := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%s", strings.TrimSuffix(v.endpoint, ":80")) v.wsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(vg, nil) if err != nil { log.Println("VOICE error opening websocket:", err) return } type voiceHandshakeData struct { ServerID string `json:"server_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Token string `json:"token"` } type voiceHandshakeOp struct { Op int `json:"op"` // Always 0 Data voiceHandshakeData `json:"d"` } data := voiceHandshakeOp{0, voiceHandshakeData{v.GuildID, v.UserID, v.sessionID, v.token}} err = v.wsConn.WriteJSON(data) if err != nil { log.Println("VOICE error sending init packet:", err) return } // Start a listening for voice websocket events // TODO add a check here to make sure Listen worked by monitoring // a chan or bool? v.close = make(chan struct{}) go v.wsListen(v.wsConn, v.close) return } // wsListen listens on the voice websocket for messages and passes them // to the voice event handler. This is automatically called by the Open func func (v *VoiceConnection) wsListen(wsConn *websocket.Conn, close <-chan struct{}) { for { messageType, message, err := v.wsConn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { // Detect if we have been closed manually. If a Close() has already // happened, the websocket we are listening on will be different to the // current session. v.RLock() sameConnection := v.wsConn == wsConn v.RUnlock() if sameConnection { log.Println("voice websocket closed unexpectantly,", err) // There has been an error reading, Close() the websocket so that // OnDisconnect is fired. // TODO add Voice OnDisconnect event :) v.Close() // TODO: close should return errs like data websocket Close // Attempt to reconnect, with expenonential backoff up to 10 minutes. // TODO add reconnect code } return } // Pass received message to voice event handler select { case <-close: return default: go v.wsEvent(messageType, message) } } } // wsEvent handles any voice websocket events. This is only called by the // wsListen() function. func (v *VoiceConnection) wsEvent(messageType int, message []byte) { if v.Debug { log.Println("wsEvent received: ", messageType) printJSON(message) } var e Event if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &e); err != nil { log.Println("wsEvent Unmarshall error: ", err) return } switch e.Operation { case 2: // READY if err := json.Unmarshal(e.RawData, &v.op2); err != nil { log.Println("voiceWS.onEvent OP2 Unmarshall error: ", err) printJSON(e.RawData) // TODO: Better error logging return } // Start the voice websocket heartbeat to keep the connection alive go v.wsHeartbeat(v.wsConn, v.close, v.op2.HeartbeatInterval) // TODO monitor a chan/bool to verify this was successful // Start the UDP connection err := v.udpOpen() if err != nil { log.Println("Error opening udp connection: ", err) return } // Start the opusSender. // TODO: Should we allow 48000/960 values to be user defined? if v.OpusSend == nil { v.OpusSend = make(chan []byte, 2) } go v.opusSender(v.udpConn, v.close, v.OpusSend, 48000, 960) // Start the opusReceiver if !v.deaf { if v.OpusRecv == nil { v.OpusRecv = make(chan *Packet, 2) } go v.opusReceiver(v.udpConn, v.close, v.OpusRecv) } // Send the ready event v.connected <- true return case 3: // HEARTBEAT response // add code to use this to track latency? return case 4: // udp encryption secret key v.op4 = voiceOP4{} if err := json.Unmarshal(e.RawData, &v.op4); err != nil { log.Println("voiceWS.onEvent OP4 Unmarshall error: ", err) printJSON(e.RawData) return } return case 5: if len(v.voiceSpeakingUpdateHandlers) == 0 { return } voiceSpeakingUpdate := &VoiceSpeakingUpdate{} if err := json.Unmarshal(e.RawData, voiceSpeakingUpdate); err != nil { log.Println("voiceWS.onEvent VoiceSpeakingUpdate Unmarshal error: ", err) printJSON(e.RawData) return } for _, h := range v.voiceSpeakingUpdateHandlers { h(v, voiceSpeakingUpdate) } default: log.Println("UNKNOWN VOICE OP: ", e.Operation) printJSON(e.RawData) } return } type voiceHeartbeatOp struct { Op int `json:"op"` // Always 3 Data int `json:"d"` } // NOTE :: When a guild voice server changes how do we shut this down // properly, so a new connection can be setup without fuss? // // wsHeartbeat sends regular heartbeats to voice Discord so it knows the client // is still connected. If you do not send these heartbeats Discord will // disconnect the websocket connection after a few seconds. func (v *VoiceConnection) wsHeartbeat(wsConn *websocket.Conn, close <-chan struct{}, i time.Duration) { if close == nil || wsConn == nil { return } var err error ticker := time.NewTicker(i * time.Millisecond) for { v.log(LogDebug, "Sending heartbeat packet") err = wsConn.WriteJSON(voiceHeartbeatOp{3, int(time.Now().Unix())}) if err != nil { log.Println("wsHeartbeat send error: ", err) return } select { case <-ticker.C: // continue loop and send heartbeat case <-close: return } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Code related to the VoiceConnection UDP connection // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type voiceUDPData struct { Address string `json:"address"` // Public IP of machine running this code Port uint16 `json:"port"` // UDP Port of machine running this code Mode string `json:"mode"` // always "xsalsa20_poly1305" } type voiceUDPD struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol"` // Always "udp" ? Data voiceUDPData `json:"data"` } type voiceUDPOp struct { Op int `json:"op"` // Always 1 Data voiceUDPD `json:"d"` } // udpOpen opens a UDP connection to the voice server and completes the // initial required handshake. This connection is left open in the session // and can be used to send or receive audio. This should only be called // from voice.wsEvent OP2 func (v *VoiceConnection) udpOpen() (err error) { v.Lock() defer v.Unlock() if v.wsConn == nil { return fmt.Errorf("nil voice websocket") } if v.udpConn != nil { return fmt.Errorf("udp connection already open") } if v.close == nil { return fmt.Errorf("nil close channel") } if v.endpoint == "" { return fmt.Errorf("empty endpoint") } host := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", strings.TrimSuffix(v.endpoint, ":80"), v.op2.Port) addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", host) if err != nil { log.Println("udpOpen resolve addr error: ", err) // TODO better logging return } v.udpConn, err = net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr) if err != nil { log.Println("udpOpen dial udp error: ", err) // TODO better logging return } // Create a 70 byte array and put the SSRC code from the Op 2 VoiceConnection event // into it. Then send that over the UDP connection to Discord sb := make([]byte, 70) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sb, v.op2.SSRC) _, err = v.udpConn.Write(sb) if err != nil { log.Println("udpOpen udp write error : ", err) // TODO better logging return } // Create a 70 byte array and listen for the initial handshake response // from Discord. Once we get it parse the IP and PORT information out // of the response. This should be our public IP and PORT as Discord // saw us. rb := make([]byte, 70) rlen, _, err := v.udpConn.ReadFromUDP(rb) if err != nil { log.Println("udpOpen udp read error : ", err) // TODO better logging return } if rlen < 70 { log.Println("VoiceConnection RLEN should be 70 but isn't") } // Loop over position 4 though 20 to grab the IP address // Should never be beyond position 20. var ip string for i := 4; i < 20; i++ { if rb[i] == 0 { break } ip += string(rb[i]) } // Grab port from position 68 and 69 port := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(rb[68:70]) // Take the data from above and send it back to Discord to finalize // the UDP connection handshake. data := voiceUDPOp{1, voiceUDPD{"udp", voiceUDPData{ip, port, "xsalsa20_poly1305"}}} err = v.wsConn.WriteJSON(data) if err != nil { log.Println("udpOpen write json error:", err) return } // start udpKeepAlive go v.udpKeepAlive(v.udpConn, v.close, 5*time.Second) // TODO: find a way to check that it fired off okay return } // udpKeepAlive sends a udp packet to keep the udp connection open // This is still a bit of a "proof of concept" func (v *VoiceConnection) udpKeepAlive(udpConn *net.UDPConn, close <-chan struct{}, i time.Duration) { if udpConn == nil || close == nil { return } var err error var sequence uint64 packet := make([]byte, 8) ticker := time.NewTicker(i) for { binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(packet, sequence) sequence++ _, err = udpConn.Write(packet) if err != nil { log.Println("udpKeepAlive udp write error : ", err) return } select { case <-ticker.C: // continue loop and send keepalive case <-close: return } } } // opusSender will listen on the given channel and send any // pre-encoded opus audio to Discord. Supposedly. func (v *VoiceConnection) opusSender(udpConn *net.UDPConn, close <-chan struct{}, opus <-chan []byte, rate, size int) { if udpConn == nil || close == nil { return } runtime.LockOSThread() // VoiceConnection is now ready to receive audio packets // TODO: this needs reviewed as I think there must be a better way. v.Ready = true defer func() { v.Ready = false }() var sequence uint16 var timestamp uint32 var recvbuf []byte var ok bool udpHeader := make([]byte, 12) var nonce [24]byte // build the parts that don't change in the udpHeader udpHeader[0] = 0x80 udpHeader[1] = 0x78 binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(udpHeader[8:], v.op2.SSRC) // start a send loop that loops until buf chan is closed ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(size/(rate/1000))) for { // Get data from chan. If chan is closed, return. select { case <-close: return case recvbuf, ok = <-opus: if !ok { return } // else, continue loop } // Add sequence and timestamp to udpPacket binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(udpHeader[2:], sequence) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(udpHeader[4:], timestamp) // encrypt the opus data copy(nonce[:], udpHeader) sendbuf := secretbox.Seal(udpHeader, recvbuf, &nonce, &v.op4.SecretKey) // block here until we're exactly at the right time :) // Then send rtp audio packet to Discord over UDP select { case <-close: return case <-ticker.C: // continue } _, err := udpConn.Write(sendbuf) if err != nil { log.Println("error writing to udp connection: ", err) return } if (sequence) == 0xFFFF { sequence = 0 } else { sequence++ } if (timestamp + uint32(size)) >= 0xFFFFFFFF { timestamp = 0 } else { timestamp += uint32(size) } } } // A Packet contains the headers and content of a received voice packet. type Packet struct { SSRC uint32 Sequence uint16 Timestamp uint32 Type []byte Opus []byte PCM []int16 } // opusReceiver listens on the UDP socket for incoming packets // and sends them across the given channel // NOTE :: This function may change names later. func (v *VoiceConnection) opusReceiver(udpConn *net.UDPConn, close <-chan struct{}, c chan *Packet) { if udpConn == nil || close == nil { return } p := Packet{} recvbuf := make([]byte, 1024) var nonce [24]byte for { rlen, err := udpConn.Read(recvbuf) if err != nil { // Detect if we have been closed manually. If a Close() has already // happened, the udp connection we are listening on will be different // to the current session. v.RLock() sameConnection := v.udpConn == udpConn v.RUnlock() if sameConnection { log.Println("voice udp connection closed unexpectantly,", err) // There has been an error reading, Close() the websocket so that // OnDisconnect is fired. // TODO add Voice OnDisconnect event :) v.Close() // TODO: close should return errs like data websocket Close // Attempt to reconnect, with expenonential backoff up to 10 minutes. // TODO add reconnect code } return } select { case <-close: return default: // continue loop } // For now, skip anything except audio. if rlen < 12 || recvbuf[0] != 0x80 { continue } // build a audio packet struct p.Type = recvbuf[0:2] p.Sequence = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(recvbuf[2:4]) p.Timestamp = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(recvbuf[4:8]) p.SSRC = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(recvbuf[8:12]) // decrypt opus data copy(nonce[:], recvbuf[0:12]) p.Opus, _ = secretbox.Open(nil, recvbuf[12:rlen], &nonce, &v.op4.SecretKey) if c != nil { c <- &p } } }