@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+/*global Mousetrap:true */
+import { default as computed, on, observes } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';
+import { cookAsync } from '../lib/text-lite';
+import { getRegister } from 'discourse-common/lib/get-owner';
+import { siteDir } from 'discourse/lib/text-direction';
+import { determinePostReplaceSelection, clipboardData } from '../lib/utilities-lite';
+import toMarkdown from 'discourse/lib/to-markdown';
+// Our head can be a static string or a function that returns a string
+// based on input (like for numbered lists).
+function getHead(head, prev) {
+ if (typeof head === "string") {
+ return [head, head.length];
+ } else {
+ return getHead(head(prev));
+ }
+function getButtonLabel(labelKey, defaultLabel) {
+ // use the Font Awesome icon if the label matches the default
+ return I18n.t(labelKey) === defaultLabel ? null : labelKey;
+const OP = {
+ NONE: 0,
+ ADDED: 2
+const FOUR_SPACES_INDENT = '4-spaces-indent';
+const _createCallbacks = [];
+const isInside = (text, regex) => {
+ const matches = text.match(regex);
+ return matches && (matches.length % 2);
+class Toolbar {
+ constructor(site) {
+ this.shortcuts = {};
+ this.groups = [
+ {group: 'fontStyles', buttons: []},
+ {group: 'insertions', buttons: []},
+ {group: 'extras', buttons: []},
+ {group: 'mobileExtras', buttons: []}
+ ];
+ this.addButton({
+ trimLeading: true,
+ id: 'bold',
+ group: 'fontStyles',
+ icon: 'bold',
+ label: getButtonLabel('wizard_composer.bold_label', 'B'),
+ shortcut: 'B',
+ perform: e => e.applySurround('**', '**', 'bold_text')
+ });
+ this.addButton({
+ trimLeading: true,
+ id: 'italic',
+ group: 'fontStyles',
+ icon: 'italic',
+ label: getButtonLabel('wizard_composer.italic_label', 'I'),
+ shortcut: 'I',
+ perform: e => e.applySurround('_', '_', 'italic_text')
+ });
+ this.addButton({id: 'link', group: 'insertions', shortcut: 'K', action: 'showLinkModal'});
+ this.addButton({
+ id: 'quote',
+ group: 'insertions',
+ icon: 'quote-right',
+ shortcut: 'Shift+9',
+ perform: e => e.applyList(
+ '> ',
+ 'blockquote_text',
+ { applyEmptyLines: true, multiline: true }
+ )
+ });
+ this.addButton({id: 'code', group: 'insertions', shortcut: 'Shift+C', action: 'formatCode'});
+ this.addButton({
+ id: 'bullet',
+ group: 'extras',
+ icon: 'list-ul',
+ shortcut: 'Shift+8',
+ title: 'wizard_composer.ulist_title',
+ perform: e => e.applyList('* ', 'list_item')
+ });
+ this.addButton({
+ id: 'list',
+ group: 'extras',
+ icon: 'list-ol',
+ shortcut: 'Shift+7',
+ title: 'wizard_composer.olist_title',
+ perform: e => e.applyList(i => !i ? "1. " : `${parseInt(i) + 1}. `, 'list_item')
+ });
+ if (Wizard.SiteSettings.support_mixed_text_direction) {
+ this.addButton({
+ id: 'toggle-direction',
+ group: 'extras',
+ icon: 'exchange',
+ shortcut: 'Shift+6',
+ title: 'wizard_composer.toggle_direction',
+ perform: e => e.toggleDirection(),
+ });
+ }
+ this.groups[this.groups.length-1].lastGroup = true;
+ }
+ addButton(button) {
+ const g = this.groups.findBy('group', button.group);
+ if (!g) {
+ throw `Couldn't find toolbar group ${button.group}`;
+ }
+ const createdButton = {
+ id: button.id,
+ className: button.className || button.id,
+ label: button.label,
+ icon: button.label ? null : button.icon || button.id,
+ action: button.action || 'toolbarButton',
+ perform: button.perform || function() { },
+ trimLeading: button.trimLeading,
+ popupMenu: button.popupMenu || false
+ };
+ if (button.sendAction) {
+ createdButton.sendAction = button.sendAction;
+ }
+ const title = I18n.t(button.title || `wizard_composer.${button.id}_title`);
+ if (button.shortcut) {
+ const mac = /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform);
+ const mod = mac ? 'Meta' : 'Ctrl';
+ var shortcutTitle = `${mod}+${button.shortcut}`;
+ // Mac users are used to glyphs for shortcut keys
+ if (mac) {
+ shortcutTitle = shortcutTitle
+ .replace('Shift', "\u21E7")
+ .replace('Meta', "\u2318")
+ .replace('Alt', "\u2325")
+ .replace(/\+/g, '');
+ } else {
+ shortcutTitle = shortcutTitle
+ .replace('Shift', I18n.t('shortcut_modifier_key.shift'))
+ .replace('Ctrl', I18n.t('shortcut_modifier_key.ctrl'))
+ .replace('Alt', I18n.t('shortcut_modifier_key.alt'));
+ }
+ createdButton.title = `${title} (${shortcutTitle})`;
+ this.shortcuts[`${mod}+${button.shortcut}`.toLowerCase()] = createdButton;
+ } else {
+ createdButton.title = title;
+ }
+ if (button.unshift) {
+ g.buttons.unshift(createdButton);
+ } else {
+ g.buttons.push(createdButton);
+ }
+ }
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ classNames: ['d-editor'],
+ ready: false,
+ insertLinkHidden: true,
+ linkUrl: '',
+ linkText: '',
+ lastSel: null,
+ _mouseTrap: null,
+ showPreview: false,
+ @computed('placeholder')
+ placeholderTranslated(placeholder) {
+ if (placeholder) return I18n.t(placeholder);
+ return null;
+ },
+ _readyNow() {
+ this.set('ready', true);
+ if (this.get('autofocus')) {
+ this.$('textarea').focus();
+ }
+ },
+ init() {
+ this._super();
+ this.register = getRegister(this);
+ },
+ didInsertElement() {
+ this._super();
+ Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._readyNow);
+ const mouseTrap = Mousetrap(this.$('.d-editor-input')[0]);
+ const shortcuts = this.get('toolbar.shortcuts');
+ // for some reason I am having trouble bubbling this so hack it in
+ mouseTrap.bind(['ctrl+alt+f'], (event) =>{
+ this.appEvents.trigger('header:keyboard-trigger', {type: 'search', event});
+ return true;
+ });
+ Object.keys(shortcuts).forEach(sc => {
+ const button = shortcuts[sc];
+ mouseTrap.bind(sc, () => {
+ this.send(button.action, button);
+ return false;
+ });
+ });
+ // disable clicking on links in the preview
+ this.$('.d-editor-preview').on('click.preview', e => {
+ if ($(e.target).is("a")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.get('composerEvents')) {
+ this.appEvents.on('composer:insert-block', text => this._addBlock(this._getSelected(), text));
+ this.appEvents.on('composer:insert-text', (text, options) => this._addText(this._getSelected(), text, options));
+ this.appEvents.on('composer:replace-text', (oldVal, newVal) => this._replaceText(oldVal, newVal));
+ }
+ this._mouseTrap = mouseTrap;
+ },
+ @on('willDestroyElement')
+ _shutDown() {
+ if (this.get('composerEvents')) {
+ this.appEvents.off('composer:insert-block');
+ this.appEvents.off('composer:insert-text');
+ this.appEvents.off('composer:replace-text');
+ }
+ const mouseTrap = this._mouseTrap;
+ Object.keys(this.get('toolbar.shortcuts')).forEach(sc => mouseTrap.unbind(sc));
+ mouseTrap.unbind('ctrl+/','command+/');
+ this.$('.d-editor-preview').off('click.preview');
+ },
+ @computed
+ toolbar() {
+ const toolbar = new Toolbar(this.site);
+ _createCallbacks.forEach(cb => cb(toolbar));
+ this.sendAction('extraButtons', toolbar);
+ return toolbar;
+ },
+ _updatePreview() {
+ if (this._state !== "inDOM") { return; }
+ const value = this.get('value');
+ const markdownOptions = this.get('markdownOptions') || {};
+ cookAsync(value, markdownOptions).then(cooked => {
+ if (this.get('isDestroyed')) { return; }
+ this.set('preview', cooked);
+ Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', () => {
+ if (this._state !== "inDOM") { return; }
+ const $preview = this.$('.d-editor-preview');
+ if ($preview.length === 0) return;
+ this.sendAction('previewUpdated', $preview);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ @observes('ready', 'value')
+ _watchForChanges() {
+ if (!this.get('ready')) { return; }
+ // Debouncing in test mode is complicated
+ if (Ember.testing) {
+ this._updatePreview();
+ } else {
+ Ember.run.debounce(this, this._updatePreview, 30);
+ }
+ },
+ _getSelected(trimLeading, opts) {
+ if (!this.get('ready')) { return; }
+ const textarea = this.$('textarea.d-editor-input')[0];
+ const value = textarea.value;
+ let start = textarea.selectionStart;
+ let end = textarea.selectionEnd;
+ // trim trailing spaces cause **test ** would be invalid
+ while (end > start && /\s/.test(value.charAt(end-1))) {
+ end--;
+ }
+ if (trimLeading) {
+ // trim leading spaces cause ** test** would be invalid
+ while(end > start && /\s/.test(value.charAt(start))) {
+ start++;
+ }
+ }
+ const selVal = value.substring(start, end);
+ const pre = value.slice(0, start);
+ const post = value.slice(end);
+ if (opts && opts.lineVal) {
+ const lineVal = value.split("\n")[value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart).split("\n").length - 1];
+ return { start, end, value: selVal, pre, post, lineVal };
+ } else {
+ return { start, end, value: selVal, pre, post };
+ }
+ },
+ _selectText(from, length) {
+ Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', () => {
+ const $textarea = this.$('textarea.d-editor-input');
+ const textarea = $textarea[0];
+ const oldScrollPos = $textarea.scrollTop();
+ if (!!navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform)) {
+ $textarea.focus();
+ }
+ textarea.selectionStart = from;
+ textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart + length;
+ $textarea.scrollTop(oldScrollPos);
+ });
+ },
+ // perform the same operation over many lines of text
+ _getMultilineContents(lines, head, hval, hlen, tail, tlen, opts) {
+ let operation = OP.NONE;
+ const applyEmptyLines = opts && opts.applyEmptyLines;
+ return lines.map(l => {
+ if (!applyEmptyLines && l.length === 0) {
+ return l;
+ }
+ if (operation !== OP.ADDED &&
+ (l.slice(0, hlen) === hval && tlen === 0 ||
+ (tail.length && l.slice(-tlen) === tail))) {
+ operation = OP.REMOVED;
+ if (tlen === 0) {
+ const result = l.slice(hlen);
+ [hval, hlen] = getHead(head, hval);
+ return result;
+ } else if (l.slice(-tlen) === tail) {
+ const result = l.slice(hlen, -tlen);
+ [hval, hlen] = getHead(head, hval);
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else if (operation === OP.NONE) {
+ operation = OP.ADDED;
+ } else if (operation === OP.REMOVED) {
+ return l;
+ }
+ const result = `${hval}${l}${tail}`;
+ [hval, hlen] = getHead(head, hval);
+ return result;
+ }).join("\n");
+ },
+ _applySurround(sel, head, tail, exampleKey, opts) {
+ const pre = sel.pre;
+ const post = sel.post;
+ const tlen = tail.length;
+ if (sel.start === sel.end) {
+ if (tlen === 0) { return; }
+ const [hval, hlen] = getHead(head);
+ const example = I18n.t(`wizard_composer.${exampleKey}`);
+ this.set('value', `${pre}${hval}${example}${tail}${post}`);
+ this._selectText(pre.length + hlen, example.length);
+ } else if (opts && !opts.multiline) {
+ const [hval, hlen] = getHead(head);
+ if (pre.slice(-hlen) === hval && post.slice(0, tail.length) === tail) {
+ this.set('value', `${pre.slice(0, -hlen)}${sel.value}${post.slice(tail.length)}`);
+ this._selectText(sel.start - hlen, sel.value.length);
+ } else {
+ this.set('value', `${pre}${hval}${sel.value}${tail}${post}`);
+ this._selectText(sel.start + hlen, sel.value.length);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const lines = sel.value.split("\n");
+ let [hval, hlen] = getHead(head);
+ if (lines.length === 1 && pre.slice(-tlen) === tail && post.slice(0, hlen) === hval) {
+ this.set('value', `${pre.slice(0, -hlen)}${sel.value}${post.slice(tlen)}`);
+ this._selectText(sel.start - hlen, sel.value.length);
+ } else {
+ const contents = this._getMultilineContents(
+ lines,
+ head,
+ hval,
+ hlen,
+ tail,
+ tlen,
+ opts
+ );
+ this.set('value', `${pre}${contents}${post}`);
+ if (lines.length === 1 && tlen > 0) {
+ this._selectText(sel.start + hlen, sel.value.length);
+ } else {
+ this._selectText(sel.start, contents.length);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _applyList(sel, head, exampleKey, opts) {
+ if (sel.value.indexOf("\n") !== -1) {
+ this._applySurround(sel, head, '', exampleKey, opts);
+ } else {
+ const [hval, hlen] = getHead(head);
+ if (sel.start === sel.end) {
+ sel.value = I18n.t(`wizard_composer.${exampleKey}`);
+ }
+ const trimmedPre = sel.pre.trim();
+ const number = (sel.value.indexOf(hval) === 0) ? sel.value.slice(hlen) : `${hval}${sel.value}`;
+ const preLines = trimmedPre.length ? `${trimmedPre}\n\n` : "";
+ const trimmedPost = sel.post.trim();
+ const post = trimmedPost.length ? `\n\n${trimmedPost}` : trimmedPost;
+ this.set('value', `${preLines}${number}${post}`);
+ this._selectText(preLines.length, number.length);
+ }
+ },
+ _replaceText(oldVal, newVal) {
+ const val = this.get('value');
+ const needleStart = val.indexOf(oldVal);
+ if (needleStart === -1) {
+ // Nothing to replace.
+ return;
+ }
+ const textarea = this.$('textarea.d-editor-input')[0];
+ // Determine post-replace selection.
+ const newSelection = determinePostReplaceSelection({
+ selection: { start: textarea.selectionStart, end: textarea.selectionEnd },
+ needle: { start: needleStart, end: needleStart + oldVal.length },
+ replacement: { start: needleStart, end: needleStart + newVal.length }
+ });
+ // Replace value (side effect: cursor at the end).
+ this.set('value', val.replace(oldVal, newVal));
+ // Restore cursor.
+ this._selectText(newSelection.start, newSelection.end - newSelection.start);
+ },
+ _addBlock(sel, text) {
+ text = (text || '').trim();
+ if (text.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let pre = sel.pre;
+ let post = sel.value + sel.post;
+ if (pre.length > 0) {
+ pre = pre.replace(/\n*$/, "\n\n");
+ }
+ if (post.length > 0) {
+ post = post.replace(/^\n*/, "\n\n");
+ } else {
+ post = "\n";
+ }
+ const value = pre + text + post;
+ const $textarea = this.$('textarea.d-editor-input');
+ this.set('value', value);
+ $textarea.val(value);
+ $textarea.prop("selectionStart", (pre+text).length + 2);
+ $textarea.prop("selectionEnd", (pre+text).length + 2);
+ Ember.run.scheduleOnce("afterRender", () => $textarea.focus());
+ },
+ _addText(sel, text, options) {
+ const $textarea = this.$('textarea.d-editor-input');
+ if (options && options.ensureSpace) {
+ if ((sel.pre + '').length > 0) {
+ if (!sel.pre.match(/\s$/)) {
+ text = ' ' + text;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((sel.post + '').length > 0) {
+ if (!sel.post.match(/^\s/)) {
+ text = text + ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const insert = `${sel.pre}${text}`;
+ const value = `${insert}${sel.post}`;
+ this.set('value', value);
+ $textarea.val(value);
+ $textarea.prop("selectionStart", insert.length);
+ $textarea.prop("selectionEnd", insert.length);
+ Ember.run.scheduleOnce("afterRender", () => $textarea.focus());
+ },
+ _extractTable(text) {
+ if (text.endsWith("\n")) {
+ text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
+ }
+ let rows = text.split("\n");
+ if (rows.length > 1) {
+ const columns = rows.map(r => r.split("\t").length);
+ const isTable = columns.reduce((a, b) => a && columns[0] === b && b > 1) &&
+ !(columns[0] === 2 && rows[0].split("\t")[0].match(/^•$|^\d+.$/)); // to skip tab delimited lists
+ if (isTable) {
+ const splitterRow = [...Array(columns[0])].map(() => "---").join("\t");
+ rows.splice(1, 0, splitterRow);
+ return "|" + rows.map(r => r.split("\t").join("|")).join("|\n|") + "|\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ _toggleDirection() {
+ const $textArea = $(".d-editor-input");
+ let currentDir = $textArea.attr('dir') ? $textArea.attr('dir') : siteDir(),
+ newDir = currentDir === 'ltr' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
+ $textArea.attr('dir', newDir).focus();
+ },
+ paste(e) {
+ if (!$(".d-editor-input").is(":focus")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const isComposer = $("#reply-control .d-editor-input").is(":focus");
+ let { clipboard, canPasteHtml } = clipboardData(e, isComposer);
+ let plainText = clipboard.getData("text/plain");
+ let html = clipboard.getData("text/html");
+ let handled = false;
+ if (plainText) {
+ plainText = plainText.trim().replace(/\r/g,"");
+ const table = this._extractTable(plainText);
+ if (table) {
+ this.appEvents.trigger('composer:insert-text', table);
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ const { pre, lineVal } = this._getSelected(null, {lineVal: true});
+ const isInlinePasting = pre.match(/[^\n]$/);
+ if (canPasteHtml && plainText) {
+ if (isInlinePasting) {
+ canPasteHtml = !(lineVal.match(/^```/) || isInside(pre, /`/g) || lineVal.match(/^ /));
+ } else {
+ canPasteHtml = !isInside(pre, /(^|\n)```/g);
+ }
+ }
+ if (canPasteHtml && !handled) {
+ let markdown = toMarkdown(html);
+ if (!plainText || plainText.length < markdown.length) {
+ if(isInlinePasting) {
+ markdown = markdown.replace(/^#+/, "").trim();
+ markdown = pre.match(/\S$/) ? ` ${markdown}` : markdown;
+ }
+ this.appEvents.trigger('composer:insert-text', markdown);
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (handled) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ },
+ keyPress(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 13) {
+ const selected = this._getSelected();
+ this._addText(selected, '\n');
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ actions: {
+ toolbarButton(button) {
+ const selected = this._getSelected(button.trimLeading);
+ const toolbarEvent = {
+ selected,
+ selectText: (from, length) => this._selectText(from, length),
+ applySurround: (head, tail, exampleKey, opts) => this._applySurround(selected, head, tail, exampleKey, opts),
+ applyList: (head, exampleKey, opts) => this._applyList(selected, head, exampleKey, opts),
+ addText: text => this._addText(selected, text),
+ replaceText: text => this._addText({pre: '', post: ''}, text),
+ getText: () => this.get('value'),
+ toggleDirection: () => this._toggleDirection(),
+ };
+ if (button.sendAction) {
+ return this.sendAction(button.sendAction, toolbarEvent);
+ } else {
+ button.perform(toolbarEvent);
+ }
+ },
+ showLinkModal() {
+ this._lastSel = this._getSelected();
+ if (this._lastSel) {
+ this.set("linkText", this._lastSel.value.trim());
+ }
+ this.set('insertLinkHidden', false);
+ },
+ formatCode() {
+ const sel = this._getSelected('', { lineVal: true });
+ const selValue = sel.value;
+ const hasNewLine = selValue.indexOf("\n") !== -1;
+ const isBlankLine = sel.lineVal.trim().length === 0;
+ const isFourSpacesIndent = this.siteSettings.code_formatting_style === FOUR_SPACES_INDENT;
+ if (!hasNewLine) {
+ if (selValue.length === 0 && isBlankLine) {
+ if (isFourSpacesIndent) {
+ const example = I18n.t(`wizard_composer.code_text`);
+ this.set('value', `${sel.pre} ${example}${sel.post}`);
+ return this._selectText(sel.pre.length + 4, example.length);
+ } else {
+ return this._applySurround(sel, "```\n", "\n```", 'paste_code_text');
+ }
+ } else {
+ return this._applySurround(sel, '`', '`', 'code_title');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isFourSpacesIndent) {
+ return this._applySurround(sel, ' ', '', 'code_text');
+ } else {
+ const preNewline = (sel.pre[-1] !== "\n" && sel.pre !== "") ? "\n" : "";
+ const postNewline = sel.post[0] !== "\n" ? "\n" : "";
+ return this._addText(sel, `${preNewline}\`\`\`\n${sel.value}\n\`\`\`${postNewline}`);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ insertLink() {
+ const origLink = this.get('linkUrl');
+ const linkUrl = (origLink.indexOf('://') === -1) ? `http://${origLink}` : origLink;
+ const sel = this._lastSel;
+ if (Ember.isEmpty(linkUrl)) { return; }
+ const linkText = this.get('linkText') || '';
+ if (linkText.length) {
+ this._addText(sel, `[${linkText}](${linkUrl})`);
+ } else {
+ if (sel.value) {
+ this._addText(sel, `[${sel.value}](${linkUrl})`);
+ } else {
+ this._addText(sel, `[${origLink}](${linkUrl})`);
+ this._selectText(sel.start + 1, origLink.length);
+ }
+ }
+ this.set('linkUrl', '');
+ this.set('linkText', '');
+ }
+ }