@@ -51,6 +51,28 @@ func generateSSORequestURL(config SsoConfig) string {
return ssoURL
+// GenerateSSO - Generate the sso and sig for an sso request
+func GenerateSSO(nonce string, returnEndpoint, secret string) (string, string) {
+ // Build the query string payload
+ payload := fmt.Sprintf("nonce=%s&return_sso_url=%s", nonce, returnEndpoint)
+ // Base64 encode the payload
+ base64Payload := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(payload))
+ // Urlencode the
+ URLEncodedPayload := url.QueryEscape(base64Payload)
+ // Get a hex signature for this payload with the sso secret
+ hexSignature := computeHmac256(base64Payload, secret)
+ return URLEncodedPayload, hexSignature
+// GetSSOUrl - Generate the sso enpodint url give the domain, sso and sig
+func GetSSOUrl(endpoint, sso, sig string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s/session/sso_provider?sso=%s&sig=%s", endpoint, sso, sig)
// Create a hex signature from a message and secret
func computeHmac256(message string, secret string) string {
key := []byte(secret)